CHAPTER 8 Directivity and the Antenna Beam
21. With electronic steering, length of aperture L decreases as
cosine of look angle, θ. With mechanical steering, no such
reduction occurs.
22. Ability to resolve targets in angle is determined primarily by
antenna beamwidth. Targets can be resolved if beamwidth is
less than their angular separation.
Naturally, electronic steering also has disadvantages.
Among these are increased complexity and degraded perfor-
mance at large look angles.
The degradation in performance is due to foreshortening
of the aperture when viewed from angles off dead center
(Fig. 21). The length of the foreshortened dimension
decreases as the cosine of the angle. The effect is negligible
at small scan angles, but it becomes increasingly severe at
large angles. The result of the foreshortening (effectively
smaller aperture in the direction of illumination) is an
increase in beamwidth and more importantly, a decrease in
gain, limiting the maximum practical look angle to ±60˚.
With mechanical steering, no such limitation occurs: the
plane of the aperture is perpendicular to the direction of the
mainlobe for all look angles.
Angular Resolution
The ability of a radar to resolve targets in azimuth and
elevation is determined primarily by the azimuth and eleva-
tion beamwidths. This is illustrated simplistically by the two
diagrams in Fig. 22.
In the first diagram, two identical targets, A and B, at
nearly the same range are separated by slightly more than
the width of the beam. As the beam sweeps across them, the
radar receives echoes first from Target A, then from Target
B. Consequently, the targets can easily be resolved.
In the second diagram, the same two targets are separat-
ed by less than the width of the beam. As the beam sweeps
across them, the radar again receives echoes first from
Target A. However, long before it stops receiving echoes
from this target, it starts receiving echoes from Target B. The
echoes from the two targets, therefore, meld together.
Superficially, angular resolution would appear to be lim-
ited to the null-to-null width of the mainlobe. But it is actu-
ally better than that, because the resolution depends not
only upon the width of the lobe but on the distribution of
power within it.
The graph in Fig. 23 is a plot of strength of the received
signal as the mainlobe sweeps across an isolated target.
When the leading edge of the lobe passes over the target,
the echoes are so weak that they are undetectable. However,
their strength increases rapidly. It reaches a maximum when
the lobe is centered on the target, then drops to an unde-
tectable value again as the trailing edge approaches the target.
This curve, you should note, is not the same shape as the
radiation pattern plotted in similar coordinates, but is more
sharply peaked. The reason is that the antenna’s directivity
applies equally to transmission and reception—a character-
istic called reciprocity.
23. Angular accuracy is sharpened by peaking of receiver output
as beam sweeps across target. Unless target echoes are very
strong, azimuth angle over which return is detected is much
less than null-to-null beamwidth, θ