594 16 Examples of Switches
16.2 What is contention within a switch and where are the major contention points
16.3 What are the steps that could be taken to counteract switch performance loss
due to contention?
16.4 How can multiple service classes be supported in an input queuing switch,
output queuing switch, and shared buffer switch?
16.5 What is the main characteristic of next-generation switches compared to tra-
ditional switches?
16.6 Check and see other examples of high-performance network switches. Com-
pare some of those switches with the two described in this chapter from the
points of view of buffer speed, contention, and support of multiple service
16.7 An important requirement in switch buffers is the ability to do multiple write
or multiple read operations in one time step. Can you discover hardware
techniques to build two buffers. One that can support many read and one
write operations per time step. The other can support one write and many
read operations per time step.
16.8 Network switches require FIFO queues. Can you design a queue out of a
regular RAM? What would be the glue logic required?
16.9 Network switches sometimes require a collection of queues with flexible
sizes. How can this be implemented such that when a queue is close to being
filled, it can take from the locations of the queues that are not quite full?
Promina 4000 Switch
16.10 Explain how the Promina 4000 switch works.
16.11 Explain why the inputs of the Promina 4000 switch do not require any input
buffers, thereby circumventing the HOL problem.
16.12 Is there any limitation on the Promina 4000 scaling (size and speed) based
on input port operation?
16.13 How is the switch fabric of the Promina 4000 switch contentionless?
16.14 Is there any limitation on the Promina 4000 scaling (size and speed) based
on backplane bus operation?
16.15 Is there any limitation on the Promina 4000 scaling (size and speed) based
on output port operation?
16.16 Explain how the scheduling algorithm is implemented in the Promina 4000
VRQ Switch
16.17 Explain how the VRQ switch works.
16.18 Explain why the input buffers of the VRQ switch do not suffer from the HOL