16.5 Modeling the VRQ Switch 585
multiplexing. This implies high bus speed which could prove to be a bottleneck
for higher line rates.
3. The backplane bus speed in the VRQ switch exactly matches the line rate (e.g.,
155 Mbps), while the bus speed in the Promina 4000 switch is four times the
input line rate. This might prove to be a bottleneck if higher line rates are contem-
plated unless space division switching (SDM), instead of TDMA, is employed.
Of course, this will only increase the area, power, and pin count of the system.
4. The buffer location is different in the two switches. In the VRQ switch, pack-
ets are stored in input buffers. In one time step, only one read/write operation
is required as a maximum. This relaxes to a great extent the requirements on
memory cycle time. In the Promina 4000 switch, the buffer is located at each
output port. In one time step, a maximum of N write and one read operations
are required. This naturally is a severe restraint on the memory cycle time. The
option, of course, is not to share the buffer among all the connections or ser-
vice classes but to partition the memory so that the number of access requests
is reduced.
5. Buffer partitioning is also different in the two switches. In the VRQ switch,
a two-level partitioning scheme is employed. First, the buffers are distributed
among the input ports. Second, the buffers in each input port are further parti-
tioned such that each local partition stores packets destined to a particular out-
put port. In the 4000 switch, a one-level partitioning scheme is employed. The
buffers are distributed among the output ports. In one time step, a maximum of N
write and one read operations are required. This naturally is a severe restraint on
the memory cycle time. The option of course is not to share the buffer among all
the connections or service classes but to partition the memory so that the number
of access requests is reduced.
6. Traffic flow in the VRQ switch is output driven which eliminates contention
altogether. In the Promina 4000 switch, traffic flow is input driven which nor-
mally gives rise to contention. This is avoided by use of time-division multiplex-
ing and dedicated backplane buses dedicated to each input port.
16.5 Modeling the VRQ Switch
We provide in this section a simple queuing model for the VRQ switch to illustrate
its performance and to provide more examples of applying queuing theory to another
switch architecture. Figure 16.3 is a simplified version of the VRQ switch. The
diagram shows a VRQ switch with N input ports and each input port has N buffers
for storing the packets destined to the N output ports. Each output port has N virtual
queues such that there is one virtual output queue dedicated to each input port. Let
us look at a particular tagged output port. That port will have associated with it N
input buffers in each of the N input ports as shown in Fig. 16.4. The figure shows
the backplane bus connecting all the input buffers in each input to the output virtual
queue at the tagged output port.