Appendix D
Vectors and Matrices
D.1 Introduction
The objective of this appendix is to briefly review the main topics related to ma-
trices since we encounter them in most of our work on queuing theory. There are
excellent books dealing with this subject and we refer the reader to them for a more
comprehensive treatment. Perhaps one of the best books on matrices is [1]. This
book is not only easy to read, but the author’s writing style and insights make the
topic actually enjoyable. The reader that wants to read a comprehensive book, albeit
somewhat dry, could consult [2].
D.2 Scalars
A scalar is a real or complex number. We denote scalars in this book by lower-case
letters or Greek letters. Sometimes, but not too often, we use upper-case letters to
denote scalars.
D.3 Vectors
A vector is an ordered collection of scalars v
, v
, ···, which are its components.We
use bold lower-case letters to indicate vectors. A subscript on a vector will denote a
particular component of the vector. Thus the scalar v
denotes the second component
of the vector v. Usually, we say v is a 3-vector to signify that v has three components.
A vector v could have its component values change with the time index n.At
time n, that vector will be denoted by v(n).
As an example, a vector that has only three components is written as
v =