268 7 Queuing Analysis
cannot be served until the next time step. What will be the expression for the
state matrix? Compare your result to (7.94).
7.31 Consider an M/M
/1/B queue with arrival probability a = 0.5, departure
probability c = 0.2, m = 2, and maximum queue size B = 5. The queue
is not stable since the average number of arrivals is larger than the average
number of departures.
(a) Construct the transition matrix P.
(b) Find the values of the equilibrium distribution vector.
(c) Calculate the queue performance.
7.32 In the analysis of the M/M
/1 queue, it was assumed that when a packet
arrives, it can be serviced at the same time step. Suppose the arriving packet
is serviced the next time step. Draw the state transition diagram and at write
down the corresponding transition matrix. Derive the main performance equa-
tions of such a queue.
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