7.7 M
/M/1/B Queue 245
We see that the most probable state for the queue is state s
which occurs with
probability 28.43%.
The queue performance is as follows:
Th = 0.0738 packets/time step
η = 0.9225
(lost) = 6.2 ×10
packets/time step
L = 0.0775
= 1.813 packets
W = 24.5673 time steps
Flow conservation is verified since the sum of the throughput and the lost traffic
equals the input traffic N
(in) = ma.
Example 7.7 Find the performance of the queue in the previous example when the
queue size becomes B = 20. The queue performance is as follows:
Th = 0.0799 packets/time step
η = 0.9984
(lost) = 1.3167 ×10
packets/time step
L = 0.0016
= 1.813 packets
W = 44.3432 time steps
We see that increasing the queue size decreases the loss probability which results
in only a slight increase in the throughput. The wait time is almost doubled.
In Chapter 4, we explored different techniques for finding the equilibrium dis-
tribution for the distribution vector s. For simple situations when the value of m is
small (1 or 2), we can use the difference equation approach. When m is large, we
can use the z-transform technique as in Section 4.8.
Example 7.8 Plot the M
/M/1/B performance when m = 2 and the input traffic
varies between 0 ≤ a ≤ 1forB = 10 and c = 0.5.
Figure 7.6 shows the variation of the throughput, efficiency, loss probability, and
delay versus the average input traffic.
The important things to note from this example are as follows:
1. The throughput of the queue could not exceed the maximum output traffic c.
2. The efficiency of the queue is very close to 100% until the input traffic
approaches the maximum output traffic c.
3. Packet loss probability is always present but starts to increase when the input
traffic approaches the packet maximum output traffic c.