velocity and particles that are already in motion.
This shows that a pebble will come to rest at around
20 to 30 cm s
, a medium sand grain at 2 to 3 cm s
and a clay particle when the flow velocity is effect-
ively zero. The grain size of the particles in a flow
therefore can be used as an indicator of the velocity
at the time of deposition of the sediment if depos-
ited as isolated particles. The upper, curved line
shows the flow velocity required to move a particle
from rest. On the right half of the graph this line
parallels the first but at any given grain size the
velocity required to initiate motion is higher than
that to keep a particle moving. On the left side of the
diagram, there is a sharp divergence of the lines:
counter-intuitively, the smaller particles require a
higher velocity to move them below coarse silt size.
This is due to the properties of clay minerals that
will dominate the fine fraction in a sediment. Clay
minerals are cohesive (2.4.5) and once they are
deposited they tend to stick together making it diffi-
cult to entrain them in a flow. Note that there are
two lines for cohesive material. ‘Unconsolidated’ mud
has settled but remains a sticky, plastic material.
‘Consolidated’ mud has had much more water
expelled from it and is rigid.
The behaviour of fine particles in a flow as indicated
by the Hju
lstrom diagram has important conse-
quences for deposition in natural depositional envi-
ronments. Were it not for this behaviour, clay would
be eroded in all conditions except standing water, but
mud can accumulate in any setting where the flow
stops for long enough for the clay particles to be
deposited: resumption of flow does not re-entrain the
deposited clay unless the velocity is relatively high.
Alternations of mud and sand deposition are seen in
environments where flow is intermittent, such as tidal
settings (11.2).
4.2.5 Clast-size variations: graded bedding
The grain size in a bed is usually variable (2.5) and
may show a pattern of an overall decrease in grain
size from base to top, known as normal grading,ora
pattern of increase in average size from base to top,
called reverse grading (Fig. 4.6). Normal grading is
the more commonly observed pattern and can result
from the settling of particles out of suspension or as a
consequence of a decrease in flow strength through
The settling velocity of particles in a fluid is deter-
mined by the size of the particle, the difference in the
density between the particle and the fluid, and the
fluid viscosity. The relationship, known as Stokes
Law, can be expressed in an equation:
V ¼ g D
where V is the terminal settling velocity, D is the grain
diameter, (r
) is the difference between the den-
sity of the particle (r
) and the density of the fluid (r
and m is the fluid viscosity; g is the acceleration due to
gravity. One of the implications of this for sedimentary
processes is that larger diameter clasts reach higher
velocities and therefore grading of particles results
from sediment falling out of suspension in standing
water. Stokes Law only accurately predicts the set-
tling velocity of small grains (fine sand or less)
because turbulence created by the drag of larger
grains falling through the fluid reduces the velocity.
The shape of the particle is also a factor because the
drag effect is greater for plate-like clasts and they
therefore fall more slowly. It is for this reason that
mica grains are commonly found concentrated at the
tops of bed because they settle more slowly than
quartz and other grains of equivalent mass.
A flow decreasing in velocity from 20 cm s
1cm s
will initially deposit coarse sand but will
progressively deposit medium and fine sand as the
velocity drops. The sand bed formed from this decel-
erating flow will be normally graded, showing a
reduction in grain size from coarse at the bottom to
fine at the top. Conversely, an increase in flow veloc-
ity through time may result in an increase in grain
size up through a bed, reverse grading, but flows that
gradually increase in strength through time to pro-
duce reverse grading are less frequent. Grading can
occur in a wide variety of depositional settings: nor-
mal grading is an important characteristic of many
turbidity current deposits (4.5.2 ), but may also result
from storms on continental shelves (14.2.1), over-
bank flooding in fluvial environments (9.3) and in
delta-top settings (12.3.1).
It is useful to draw a distinction between grading
that is a trend in grain size within a single bed and
trends in grain size that occur through a number of
beds. A pattern of several beds that start with a coarse
clast size in the lowest bed and finer material in the
The Behaviour of Fluids and Particles in Fluids 49
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