their composition: albite is the sodium-rich form, and
anorthite the calcium-rich, with several others in
between. The most characteristic distinguishing fea-
ture is the occurrence of multiple twins, which give
the grains a very pronounced black and white striped
appearance under crossed polars. The extinction
angle varies with the composition, and is used as a
way of distinguishing different minerals in the plagi-
oclase group (Gribble & Hall 1999; Nesse 2004).
There are many varieties of mica, but two of the most
frequently encountered forms are the white mica,
muscovite, and the brown mica, biotite. Micas are
phyllosilicates, that is, they have a crystal structure
of thin sheets, and have a very well developed platy
cleavage that causes the crystals to break up into very
thin grains. If the platy grains lie parallel to the plane
of the thin-section, they will appear hexagonal, but it
is much more common to encounter grains that have
been cut oblique to this and therefore show the clea-
vage very clearly in thin-section. The grains also
appear elongate and may be bent: mica flakes are
quite delicate and can get squeezed between harder
grains when a sandstone is compacted (18.3.1). Bio-
tite is usually very distinctive because of its shape,
cleavage, brown colour and pleochroism (which
may not always be present). It has bright, first-order
birefringence colours, but these are often masked by
the brown mineral colour: the extinction angle is 08
to 38. The strong, bright birefringence colours of
muscovite flakes are very striking under cross-polars,
which along with the elongate shape and cleavage
make this a distinctive mineral.
Other silicate minerals
In comparison to igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks
contain a much smaller range of silicate minerals as
common components. Whereas minerals belonging to
the amphibole, pyroxene and olivine groups are
essential minerals in igneous rocks of intermediate
to mafic composition (i.e. containing moderate to
relatively low proportions of SiO
), these minerals
are rare in sediments. Hornblende, an amphibole, is
the most frequently encountered, but would normally
be considered a ‘heavy mineral’ (see below), as would
any minerals of the pyroxene group. Olivine, so com-
mon in gabbros and basalts, is very rare as a detrital
grain in a sandstone. This is because of the suscep-
tibility of these silicate minerals to chemical break-
down at the Earth’s surface, and they do not generally
survive for long enough to be incorporated into a
This distinctive green mineral is unusual because,
unlike other silicates, it does not originate from
igneous or metamorphic sources. It forms in sediment
on the sea floor and can accumulate to form signifi-
cant proportions of some shallow marine deposits
(11.5.1). Under plane-polarised light glauconite
grains have a distinctive, strong green colour that is
patchy and uneven over the area of the grain: this
colour mottling is because the mineral normally
occurs in an amorphous form, and other crystal prop-
erties are rarely seen.
Carbonate minerals
The most common minerals in this group are the
calcium carbonates, calcite and aragonite, while dolo-
mite (a magnesium–calcium carbonate) and siderite
(iron carbonate) are also frequently encountered in
sedimentary rocks. Calcium carbonate minerals are
extremely common in sedimentary rocks, being the
main constituents of limestone. Calcite and aragonite
are indistinguishable in thin-section: like all sedimen-
tary carbonates, these minerals have a high relief and
crystals show two clear cleavage planes present at 758
to each other. Birefringence colours are pale, high-
order greens and pinks. The form of calcite in a sedi-
mentary rock varies considerably because much of it
has a biogenic origin: the recognition of carbonate
components in thin-section is considered in section
Most dolomite is a diagenetic product (18.4.2), the
result of alteration of a limestone that was originally
composed of calcium carbonate minerals. When indi-
vidual crystals can be seen they have a distinctive
euhedral rhombic shape, and cleavage planes parallel
to the crystal faces may be evident. The euhedral
morphology can be a good clue, but identification of
dolomite cannot be confirmed without chemical tests
on the material (3.1.2). Siderite is very difficult to
distinguish from calcite because most of its optical
properties are identical. The best clue is often a slight
yellow or brownish tinge to the grain, which is a
18 Terrigenous Clastic Sediments: Gravel, Sand and Mud
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