Peat is heterogeneous because it is made up of differ-
ent types of vegetation, and of the various different
components (wood, leaves, seeds, etc.) of the plants.
Moreover, the vegetation forming the peat may vary
with time, depending on the predominance of either
tree communities or herbaceous plants, and this will
be reflected as layers in the beds of coal. A nomencla-
ture for the description of different lithotypes of coal
has therefore been developed as follows:
Vitrain: bright, shiny black coal that usually breaks
cubically and mostly consists of woody tissue.
Durain: black or grey in colour, dull and rough coal
that usually contains a lot of spore and detrital plant
Fusain: black, fibrous with a silky lustre, friable and
soft coal that represents fossil charcoal.
Clarain: banded, layered coal that consists of alter-
nations of the other three types.
Sapropelic coal has a conchoidal fracture and may
have a dull black lustre (called cannel coal)oris
black/brown in colour (known as boghead coal).
Microscopic examination of these lithotypes reveals
that a number of different particle types can be recog-
nised: these are called macerals, and are the organic
equivalent of minerals in rocks. Macerals are exam-
ined by looking at the coal as polished surfaces in
reflected light under a thin layer of oil. Three main
groups of maceral are recognised: vitrinite, the origin
of which is mainly cell walls of woody tissue and
leaves, liptinite, which mainly comes from spores,
cuticles and resins, and inertinite, which is burnt,
oxidised or degraded plant material.
A further analysis that can be made is the reflec-
tance of the different particles, which can be assessed
by measuring the amount of light reflected from the
polished surface. Liptinites generally have low reflec-
tance, and inertinites have high reflectance, but vitri-
nite, which is by far the most common maceral in
most coals, shows different reflectance depending on
the coal rank. Vitrinite reflectance therefore can be
used as a measure of the rank of the coal, and because
coal rank increases with the temperature to which the
material has been heated, vitrinite reflectance is a mea-
sure of the burial temperature of the bed. This is an
analytical technique in basin analysis (24.8) that pro-
vides a measure of how deep a bed has been buried.
The coalification of carbonaceous matter into mac-
erals and coal lithotypes takes place as a series of post-
depositional bacteriological, chemical and physical
processes that are considered further in section 18.7.2.
3.6.3 Oil shales and tar sands
Mudrocks that contain a high proportion of organic
material that can be driven off as a liquid or gas by
heating are called oil shales. The organic material is
usually the remains of algae that have broken down
during diagenesis to form kerogen, long-chain hydro-
carbons that form petroleum (natural oil and gas)
when they are heated. Oil shales are therefore impor-
tant source rocks of the hydrocarbons that ultimately
form concentrations of oil and gas. The environments
in which they are formed must be anaerobic to pre-
vent oxidisation of the organic material; suitable con-
ditions are found in lakes and certain restricted
shallow-marine environments (Eugster 1985). Oil
shales are black and the presence of hydrocar-
bons may be detected by the smell of the rock and
the fact that it will make a brown, oily stain on other
Tar sands or oil sands are clastic sediments that
are saturated with hydrocarbons and they are the
exposed equivalents of subsurface oil reservoirs
(18.7.4). The oil in tar sands is usually very viscous
(bitumen), and may be almost solid, because the
lighter components of the hydrocarbons that are pres-
ent at depth are lost by biodegradation near the sur-
face. The presence of the oil in the pores of the
sediment prevents the formation of any cement, so
tar sands remain unlithified, held together only by the
bitumen that gives them a black or very dark brown
Volcanic eruptions are the most obvious and spectacu-
lar examples of the formation of both igneous and sedi-
mentary rocks on the Earth’s surface. During eruption
volcanoes produce a range of materials that include
molten lava flowing from fissures in the volcano and
particulate material that is ejected from the vent to form
volcaniclastic deposits (Cas
& Wright 1987). The
location of volcanoes is related to the plate tectonic
setting, mainly in the vicinity of plate margins and
other areas of high heat flow in the crust. The pre-
sence of beds formed by volcanic processes can be an
important indicator of the tectonic setting in which
the sedimentary succession formed. Lavas are found
close to the site of the eruption, but ash may be spread
Volcaniclastic Sedimentary Rocks 41