60 Elements of High Energy Physics
Murray Gell-Mann had recently annunciated his important ideas con-
cerning the ”Eight-fold Way”, but his paper had not generated the interest
it deserved. It was soon learned that Ne’eman had published the same sug-
gestions, independently.
Based on symmetry arguments, Gell-Mann and others, separately, pro-
posed the existence of quarks. With this scheme of things, they can classify
all known particles. Quarks are the constituents of all hadrons. This idea,
or way of proceed, was no new. Other authors, like Sakata, had tried b e-
fore quark model basic idea to classify particles taking other particles as
the elementary blocks -for example the proton, the Λ
, and the neutron-;
(p, n, Λ
) is known as Sakata set.
Leptons, up to where physicists have experimented, are without struc-
ture particles. As it is said before.
The original proposition of Gell-Mann consisted of three quarks. In
these days it is required 6 of these to classify all known particles. These
are u(up), d(down), s(strange), c(charm), b(bottom), t(top). The Table
3.7 illustrates all known properties of quarks. The Figure 3.1 illustrates the
elementary particles: Quarks, carriers of fundamental forces, and leptons.
Chapter 4 will comment more about elementary particles.
If particles have three quarks, they are known as baryons; if they have
two quarks, they are known as mesons. Λ
(uds), p(uud), n(udd), are
baryons; π
d), K
(u¯s), are mesons.
All the above particles interact via strong interaction; they are known
generically as hadrons. If the particles interact via weak interaction mainly
they are known as leptons; these are not composed of quarks. Example
of leptons: Electron, muon, tau, neutrino associated to electron, neutrino
associated to muon, and neutrino associated to tau. These are all the
leptons that exist, or that have been detected so far. Of course, each of
them has their corresponding antiparticle. And, also, the electrical charged
ones interact electromagnetically. They are atoms, in the strict sense of the
word. For they are not composed of any other particle.
Of the baryons, Λ
is the most common one after the proton and the
neutron. Λ
decays into p π
via weak interaction. Its meanlife is ∼ 7.5 ×
seconds. Also µ decays via weak interaction into e, ν
, ν
. Σ