High Energy Physics Practical Utility 113
The study of the brain function and the connection between its functions
and the functions of the rest of the human body organs have deserved special
attention from physicists and from physicians. Cerebral regions related with
speech, attention, tactile sensations, etc., have been identified. There are
still many things to investigate and to explore in the brain. Functions of
memory, sleep, computation, vision, equilibrium, orientation, volition, etc.,
are still mysteries to contemporary scientists.
Physicists and physicians, in days to come will solve those mysteries.
They are trying now all over the world.
4.8 Conclusions
Physics is not a collection of experimental data. Neither it is a collection
of mathematical formulas or principles given a priori. Physics is an ex-
perimental science. Its principles are based, and supported, on irrefutable
experimental evidence. Physics is, therefore, the description and interpre-
tation of the external world.
The external world, in formal courses of physics, is eliminated. Some-
times, even a minor mention of it is never done. In this way, the connection
of the physical world and the conceptual world physics is never established.
Students conclude formal preparation believing that physics has nothing to
do with the external world, with everyday world.
External world and physics, for those scientific that understand physics,
always are inseparable. Always are together. Physicists like A. Einstein,
E. Fermi, etc., always were looking to put their physical principles on the
most solid experimental evidence. That is the way of working of physicist
that really understand physics. For them, external world and physics are
inseparable. For them, physics is the representation of the way of going,
and evolving, of the external world.
If the before mentioned concepts are understood and applied correctly,
then the role of physics is clear. Besides, practical potentialities of physics
are clear. Physics provides a scheme that let physicists understand nature.
And understanding nature leads physicists to the possibility of manipulate,
with practical purposes, nature. Mere manipulation of nature lets physicists