50 Elements of High Energy Physics
in the laboratory reference frame. In that decade, physicists had not the
theoretical frame for those particles. No one knew, nor understood, why
those particles pop off from cosmic rays. And all of them appear to form
groups, or families, sharing some characteristics.
The groups of strange particles comprehend Λ
group, Σ group, K
group, and Ξ group. Their production always is associated, or they are
always created in pairs. For example, always that appears a Λ
, there ap-
pears another strange particle, it could be a K
or K
. Like when a charged
particles is created, always is created another one with, inside other con-
servation laws, the opposite charge sign. This is because electric charge is
All strange particles decay via weak interactions, hence, the long dis-
tance traveled by these particles. Strange resonances do it through strong
interaction, this means the interactions that are generated in proton-proton
collisions. Meanlife is of the order of 10
seconds for strange particles; of
the order of 10
seconds, for strange resonances.
In these times, physicists do not depend on cosmic rays to study those
particles; they produce them in modern accelerators, using different b eams
and different targets. And they study them in controlled situations, using
huge statistics collected in a few hours. In that conditions physicists study
mechanisms of creation and physical properties of particles and resonances.
Physicists easily measure masses, decay channel rations, meanlife times,
spins, electric charges, conservation of energy in particle reactions, con-
servation of angular momentum, polarization, angular distributions, cross
sections, etc.
Basing arguments purely in conservation of energy, linear momentum,
and of angular momentum in nuclear splitting, in the decade of 1930, Pauli
proposed the existence of neutrinos. Pauli’s idea seemed at that time very
weird: Neutrinos have no mass -probably-, carry only angular momentum,
and travel at the speed of light -probably-. Fermi, in 1933, incorporated
neutrino to the theoretical frame work of beta disintegration. Beta decay
means the presence of beta rays -electrons- in the final state. Other particles
are present, of course, in the final state of the reaction -protons or pions,
for instance-. In neutron beta decay, it goes to an electron, a proton, and a
positron neutrino. Neutron meanlife is ab out 16 minutes. Conservation of