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  • добавлен 22 марта 2011 г.
F?lix J. Elements of high energy physics
Buenos Aires, julio de 2004.
Феликс Дж. Элементы физики высоких энергий. 2004 г. , 122 стр. На английском языке.
ISBN 1-4135-3536-4, de la edicion virtual, ISBN 1-4135-3537-2, de la edicion impresa.

There are many wrong practices, procedures, and policies in the south countries: The worse is in people education. Sometimes, this has no defined purposes and orientations. The idea of the state is to provide education to people, even if that education has nothing to do with the State; even if that education is not integrated in one project of State -or nation-, that hits its economy, security, integrity, etc. The policies to introduce, to teach, and to lea, science in that south countries are even worse: Science is taught like if it were a religion, without relation with engineering and the exteal world; only at the textbook level and using repetitive and memoriter procedures. Completely separated from the physical and economical country reality. Physics is not excluded from that situation. It is taught completely separated from the physical reality of the exteal world and from the economical reality of the state. The Mexican schools of sciences -physics- reach the 5% of efficiency. And teach physics with a parody of physics laboratories -when there have been some efforts to construct them, because in some universities students never enter a physics laboratory- and using textbooks translated into Spanish, generally from English. It is worthless to say that physics students never accomplish a serious experiment in physics; and that they graduate from physics implicitly believing that physics is not from this world.
Because that situation, students -also teachers and professors- are involved in a paradoxical situation and perverse circle: They lea wrongly physics because their mentors leat badly physics; teachers teach in a wrong way for they were tough also in a wrong manner. And the country is
Elements of High Energy Physics technological underdeveloped because the poor way physics is tough, and because the poor way science is tough the country is technological underdeveloped.
This book Elements of High Energy Physics is an intent to change that paradoxical situations in teaching and leaing physics; to break down that vicious circle of bad teaching physics and technological underdevelopment, that engulfs the majority of the countries in these times.
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