2 Elements of High Energy Physics
nature is organized and structured. This understanding conduces physi-
cist to practical manipulation of nature. And the practical manipulation
of nature can be used to rectify and to go deeper into the description and
understanding of external world. In this form, the circle is closed. It is
the circle of theorization-experimentation-theorization or experimentation-
theorization-experimentation. It is the circle of scientific activity. Of sci-
entific thinking. Of all sciences. Specially of physics.
Chapter 2 will confront and exhibit that circle. It will show that physics
is an experimental science; that is, physics is not a collection of experimen-
tal data, nor is physics a collection of theories, mathematical formulas,
abstract concepts without any relation with the external world, but a sci-
ence based strictly on experimental evidences; physics is a proposition of
description and interpretation of the external world, not concluded up to
these days. Fragments of masterpieces of A. Einstein and E. Fermi -two fa-
thers of physics- will illustrate this circle. And copious citations to original
references and Nobel lectures will do it too.
This book presents and illustrates that circle using the experimental
high energy physics; Chapter 3 introduces this branch of physics. It speaks
about atoms, about particles, about families of particles, and about classi-
fication of particles. And it describes an experiment of high-energy physics,
employed techniques to detect particles, used techniques to identify parti-
cles, electronics and computation involved.
And following the description of a high energy experiment, Chapter 4
will show the utility of experimental high energy physics. First, it will
describe how physicists reached the contemporary image on the nature
structure: The most recent and complete knowledge about the most basic
constituents of nature. Second, it will show how physics has generated
new developments in electronics, in new materials, in computation, in new
technologies of information and communication, and in medicine. Each one
of these technological areas, created on advances of physics, has con-
tributed back to physics: New materials for ultra speedy electronics, new
technologies for fabrication of solid state devices, have founded a new more
rapid computation. And this new computation has opened new branches
in science, in particular, in physics: Computational physics, for instance.
This new physics will provide the basis for a new generation of technology,
materials, computation, etc. And so on. Up to no one knows.