32 Elements of High Energy Physics
forward. Opened new perspectives in physics. And permitted the possibil-
ity of creating new branches of physics. Like special and general relativity.
Theory of information. Experimental philosophy. Crystallography. And
many others.
Physics is an experimental science. This is an unavoidable truth. For
physicists understand the world it is indispensable that they have a percep-
tual image created and supported by experimental evidence. A collection
of experimental data does not give us an image about the universe. In
the same way, a collection of axioms, without experimental support, nei-
ther give us an image about the external world. Both constructions are
possible. And indeed exist: Weather collection data and modern alge-
bra are instances, respectively. The image of the world is constructed on
the experimental and axiomatic truth. The axioms must be supported by
the most complete experimental evidence. And the logical implications
of those axioms must have experimental corroboration, experimental facts
that necessarily must b e happening, and were unknown up to when they
were unveiled by logical thought.
Physics history registers many examples: Electromagnetic waves pre-
dicted by Maxwell; particle wave nature, by De Broglie; time dilation, by
Einstein. And many others.