22 Elements of High Energy Physics
cal mechanics predictions disagree completely with experimental results at
atomic levels.
The next is a very common instance which illustrates the way physicists
test theories. How physicists tested the special theory of relativity. They
test not the principles, but the principles implications. As follows:
From the principles of the special theory of relativity, physicists deduce
the retardation of the march of clo cks that are in different state of motion
with respect to the observer. Physicists call this effect time dilatation. See
any of the books about special relativity enumerated in References. And
they obtain the confirmation of this consequence, everyday, in the high en-
ergy physics big laboratories of the world, like FERMILAB (Fermi National
Accelerator Laboratory) in the USA -Batavia IL-, see www.fnal.gov, or in
CERN (now European Laboratory for Particle Physics) in the border of
France and Switzerland -Geneva-, see public.web.cern.ch/public. In those
big laboratories of the world, physicists create huge amounts of muons, or
of other particles - like pions, kaons, protons, etc.-. Chapter 3 will explain
in detail what a muon, and other particles, is. In natural form, in the
terrestrial atmosphere, at about 400 kilometers high, muons are copiously
produced too. The muons are generated in proton-proton collisions, in
the first case, and from cosmic ray protons-terrestrial atmosphere molecule
collisions, in the second case.
Muons, a sort of massive electron, in its rest coordinate system, last
approximately 2. 2 × 10
seconds. This means that from a sample of 100
muons, about 68 of them disappear -or converted into other particles- in
that time. In this time, muons can travel 660 meters if there were no time
dilatation and if muons were traveling at light’s speed, which is a very
good approximation to actual atmospheric muons speed. However, with
meanlife like the above mentioned, muons can travel close to 400 kilometers
dawn to earth surface, thanks to time dilatation. Physicists detect them on
earth surface, very easy and with rudimentary instruments on top of high
mountains, and anywhere in teaching labs around the world.
Time dilatation is the key to understand many physical phenomena.
The arrival of muons to earth surface is one of those. In earth reference
coordinate system, i.e., for an observer in earth surface, muons can last
much more time. If muons travel at 0.9999985 c, were c is the speed of light
in vacuum, muons for terrestrial observer do not last 2.2 × 10