20 CHAPTER 1 Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials
In addition, magnetic materials can be used to constrain and direct magnetic
fields in well-defined paths. In a transformer they are used to maximize the coupling
between the windings as well as to lower the excitation current required for transformer
operation. In electric machinery, magnetic materials are used to shape the fields
to obtain desired torque-production and electrical terminal characteristics. Thus a
knowledgeable designer can use magnetic materials to achieve specific desirable
device characteristics.
Ferromagnetic materials,
typically composed of iron and alloys of iron with
cobalt, tungsten, nickel, aluminum, and other metals, are by far the most common mag-
netic materials. Although these materials are characterized by a wide range of prop-
erties, the basic phenomena responsible for their properties are common to them all.
Ferromagnetic materials are found to be composed of a large number of domains,
i.e., regions in which the magnetic moments of all the atoms are parallel, giving rise
to a net magnetic moment for that domain. In an unmagnetized sample of material,
the domain magnetic moments are randomly oriented, and the net resulting magnetic
flux in the material is zero.
When an external magnetizing force is applied to this material, the domain mag-
netic moments tend to align with the applied magnetic field. As a result, the do-
main magnetic moments add to the applied field, producing a much larger value of
flux density than would exist due to the magnetizing force alone. Thus the
permeability lz,
equal to the ratio of the total magnetic flux density to the applied
magnetic-field intensity, is large compared with the permeability of free space/z0.
As the magnetizing force is increased, this behavior continues until all the magnetic
moments are aligned with the applied field; at this point they can no longer contribute
to increasing the magnetic flux density, and the material is said to be fully
In the absence of an externally applied magnetizing force, the domain magnetic
moments naturally align along certain directions associated with the crystal structure
of the domain, known as
axes of easy magnetization.
Thus if the applied magnetiz-
ing force is reduced, the domain magnetic moments relax to the direction of easy
magnetism nearest to that of the applied field. As a result, when the applied field is
reduced to zero, although they will tend to relax towards their initial orientation, the
magnetic dipole moments will no longer be totally random in their orientation; they
will retain a net magnetization component along the applied field direction. It is this
effect which is responsible for the phenomenon known as
magnetic hysteresis.
Due to this hystersis effect, the relationship between B and H for a ferromagnetic
material is both nonlinear and multivalued. In general, the characteristics of the mate-
rial cannot be described analytically. They are commonly presented in graphical form
as a set of empirically determined curves based on test samples of the material using
methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 5
5 Numerical data on a wide variety of magnetic materials are available from material manufacturers.
One problem in using such data arises from the various systems of units employed. For example,
magnetization may be given in oersteds or in ampere-turns per meter and the magnetic flux density in
gauss, kilogauss, or teslas. A few useful conversion factors are given in Appendix E. The reader is
reminded that the equations in this book are based upon SI units.