scope of chapter, 559
synchronous motors, 578-595
VRMs, 613-616
Conversion factors (SI units), 680
Conversion of ac to dc.
Conversion of dc to ac.
Cooling, 674-675
Core flux, 62
Core loss, 63,280, 669-670, 678
Core-loss component, 62
Core-loss resistance, 71, 314
Core-type transformers, 58
Coulombs per cubic meter, 113
Coupled-circuit viewpoint, 215-221
Critical field resistance, 380
Cross-magnetizing armature
reaction, 368
CTs, 90, 93-95
Current density, 2, 113
Current transformer, 93
Current transformers (CTs), 90, 93-95
Current-source inverter, 539
Cutting-of-flux equation, 210, 211
Damper winding, 296, 297,583
dc bus voltage, 538
dc link current, 538
dc machines, 185-187,357-406
armature mmf, 367-370
armature reaction, 374-378
armature winding, 173
commutator/commutation, 186,
364-367, 390-393
compensating windings, 393-395
compound motor, 364
electrical-circuit aspects, 370-373
field-circuit connections, 361
generated voltage, 213-214
generator analysis, 379-382
magnetic-circuit aspects, 374-378
mmf wave, 192-197
motor analysis, 382-384
permanent-magnet, 384-390
schematic connection diagram, 395
schematic representation, 358
series motors, 364
series universal motors, 395-396
shunt/separately-excited motors,
speed control, 560-564
speed-torque characteristics, 363
steady-state performance, 379-384
torque control, 574-578
volt-ampere characteristics, 362
dc magnetization curve, 21-22
Deep-bar rotors, 343-347
Definite-purpose machines, 672
Delayed commutation, 391
Delta-Delta connection, 86
Delta-Y connection, 86
Demagnetizing effect of
cross-magnetizing armature
reaction, 368
Diode symbol, 494
Diodes, 494--496
Direct axis, 282, 357
Direct-and quadrature-axis (dpO)
theory, 657-667
Direct-axis air-gap flux, 282, 360
Direct-axis components, 282, 583,604
Direct-axis magnetizing reactances, 284
Direct-axis permeance, 361
Direct-axis quantity, 284
Direct-axis synchronous inductance, 661
Direct-axis synchronous reactances, 284
Direct-axis theory, 282-289
Disk armature permanent-magnet
servomotor, 388
Distributed ac windings, 644-656
Distributed fractional-pitch windings,
645-647, 651-653
Distributed two-pole, three-phase,
fractional-pitch armature
winding, 653
Distributed two-pole, three-phase,
full-pitch armature winding, 652
Distributed windings, 179, 187, 189, 190
Distribution transformer, 59
Doherty, R. E., 658
Double-layer windings, 645
Double-revolving-field concept,
Double-squirrel-cage rotors, 343-347
Doubly-salient VRM, 408-411,416
dqO transformation, 657-667
Drain, 502
Dynamic equations, 15 !-155
Eddy current, 26
Eddy-current loss, 670
Effective permeability, 20
electric machinery, 678-679
mechanical losses, and, 668
power conversion device, 80
synchronous machine, 279
8/6 VRM, 419
800-A winding, 94
Electric field intensity, 11
Electrical degrees, 178
Electrical radians, 178
Electromagnetic power, 370
Electromagnetic relay, 119
principles, 112-172
analytical techniques, 155-158
determination of magnetic
force/torque from coenergy,
determination of magnetic
force/torque from energy,
dynamic equations, 151-155
energy balance, 117-119
energy in singly-excited magnetic field
systems, 119-123
forces/torques in magnetic field
systems, 113-117
forces/torques in systems with
permanent magnets, 142-151
gross motion, 156-157
linearization, 157-158
multiply-excited magnetic field
systems, 136-142
purpose, 112
Electromotive force (emf), 1 In, 210
Electrostatic voltmeter, 165
Emf, l ln, 210
Emitter, 502, 503
End effects, 230
End-turn fluxes, 234
Energy balance, 117-119
Energy efficiency, 668, 678-679
Energy method, 116
Engineering aspects, 668-679
cooling, 674-675
energy efficiency, 668, 678-679
excitation, 676-678
heating, 670-674
insulation, 671-672
losses, 668-670
rating, 672-674
transformer analysis, 73-81
Equivalent circuits
induction machines, 313-321
instrumentation transformer, 91