Space-fundamental air-gap flux, 251
Sparking, 390
Sparkless commutation, 391
Special-purpose motor, 672
Speed control
dc motors, 560-564
induction motors, 595-603
synchronous motors, 578-583
Speed voltage, 103, 152, 210, 359
Squirrel-cage induction motor, 184
Squirrel-cage rotor, 306-308, 343-347
machines (VRMs)
Stabilized, 42
Stabilizing winding, 383
Standard-setting bodies, 669
Start winding, 456
Starting capacitor, 457
State function, 123
State variables, 120
Stator, 173, 174
Stator inductance, 250-252
Stator windings, 173
Stator-to-rotor mutual inductances, 250
Steady-state power-angle characteristics,
Stepping motors, 437-446
Stray load loss, 264, 670
Switched-reluctance machines.
Variable-reluctance machines
Symmetrical-component concept,
Synchronous angular velocity, 206
Synchronous condensers, 677
Synchronous generator capability
curve, 276-277
Synchronous inductance, 250-252
Synchronous machines, 176-183,
See also
ac machines
direct-axis theory, 282-289
dqO transformation, 660-663
efficiency, 279
equivalent circuits, 252-256
flux/mmf waves, 282-284
inductances, 249-252
open-circuit characteristics, 256-258
permanent-magnet ac motors,
power-angle characteristics, 266-275,
quadrature-axis theory, 282-289
salient-pole machines, 281-293
self-starting reluctance machines,
short-circuit characteristics, 258-265
speed control, 578-583
steady-state operating characteristics,
steady-state power-angle
characteristics, 266-275
torque control, 583-595
Synchronous reactance, 253
Synchronous speed, 206, 221
Synchronous-generator V curves, 278
Synchronous-machine equivalent
circuits, 252-256
Temperature rises, 672
Teslas, 4
blocked-rotor, 333-340
induction motors, 330-340
no,load, 330-333
open-circuit, 78-80, 258-262
short-circuit, 77-78, 256-258
stray-load-loss, 330
Thevenin-equivalent circuit, 323
Thevenin-equivalent impedance, 322
Thevenin-equivalent stator
impedance, 323
Thevenin-equivalent voltage, 322
Thevenin's theory, 322
Three-phase ac machine, 209
Three-phase bridges, 533-538
Three-phase circuits, 628-643
balanced system, 630, 641-642
generation of voltage, 628-631
instantaneous power, 634
other polyphase systems, 643
schematic view of three-phase
generator, 182
single-line diagrams, 641-642
transformers, 85-90
unbalanced system, 631
voltages/currents/power, 631-635
Y/delta-connected circuits, 635-640
Three-phase connections, 630
Three-phase inverters, 549-550
Three-phase six-pulse diode bridge, 534
Three-phase system, 628
Three-phase three-stack
variable-reluctance stepping
motor, 439
Three-phase transformer, 86
Three-phase transformer bank, 85
Three-phase transformer connections, 86
Threshold voltage, 504
Thyristor, 496
Time-averaged voltage, 513
asynchronous, 309
breakdown, 310, 325
coenergy, and, 129-136
coupled-circuit viewpoint, 215-221
energy, and, 123-129
induction machines, 322-330
magnetic field viewpoint, 221-226
maximum electromechanical, 325
nonsalient-pole machines, 214-226
permanent magnets, 142-151
pull-out, 248
VRM, 421-430
Torque angle, 247
Torque constant, 389
Torque control
dc motors, 574-578
induction motors, 603-612
synchronous motors, 583-595
Torque-angle characteristic, 247
Torque-angle curve, 247
Total ampere-turns, 16
Transducers, 112
Transformer equivalent circuit, 68-72
Transformer reactance, 68-72
Transformers, 57-111
autotransformers, 82-84
core-type, 58
current, 93-95
distribution, 59
engineering aspects, 73-81
ideal, 64-67
instrumentation, 90
multiwinding, 84-85
no-load conditions, 60-64
open-circuit test, 78-80
per-unit system, 95-103
potential, 90-93
reactances, 68-72
secondary current, 64-67
shell-type, 58
short-circuit test, 77-78
three-phase circuits, 85-90
two-winding, 82
voltage regulation, 81
Transistors, 502-506
TRIAC, 500
TRIAC symbol, 500