mikos: “9026_c028” — 2007/4/9 — 15:53 — page8—#8
28-8 Tissue Engineering
solutions that are hypotonic or hypertonic, and enzyme treatments, have been attempted, abandoned,
debated, and revisited, with only few direct comparisons [52]. In early studies, a treatment involving
hypotonic saline to lyse the cells followed by two washes with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 and
one enzymatic soak in DNAse and RNAse was effective in the removal of all cells and cell debris [44,53].
This method preserved the majority of the thermal, physical, and material properties with the exception
of a slight swelling and a slight increase in the stress relaxation of the tissue. This successful treatment was
in contrast to their previous experimentation with the ionic detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), in
which the leaflet matrix swelled up to three times and had significant thermal denaturation [53]. On a
single wash basis, however, SDS appears to remove more cells than Triton X-100 [54]. A combination of
0.5% trypsin and 0.2% EDTA was also successful in removing cells from human and porcine valves [48,55],
as was a solution of 1% deoxycholic acid [56]. A solution of 0.1% N -cetylpyridinium chloride was shown
to remove cells effectively and to preserve the tissue’s microstructure and mechanics but this treatment
induced calcification when the decellularized leaflet was tested in a rat subcutaneous dermal model [57].
Booth et al. [52] found that solutions of 0.03 to 0.1% SDS and 0.5% Na deoxycholate in hypotonic solutions
worked best (with SDS causing a slight increase in tissue extensibility [58]), which they attribute to better
protease inhibition than in the previous studies that implicated SDS in fiber damage. Although a few
studies reported using protease inhibitors [48,53,55], such as phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and
EDTA, to block the endogenous lysosomal proteases released during cell lysis and to prevent degradation
of the matrix scaffold, certain protease inhibitors (including PMSF) are short-lived in aqueous solutions
and a more stable compound such as aprotinin may be preferable [52]. Many studies did not report any
use of protease inhibitors, which could result in partial degradation of the collagen and elastic matrix
components of the scaffold. The partial degradation of elastin in these scaffolds is considered particularly
risky given that decellularized aortic wall, found to contain an abundance of partially degraded elastin,
was prone to calcification in a rat subcutaneous dermal model [59].
Once prepared, the decellularized leaflet scaffold is almost always reseeded with autologous cells derived
from the same host animal to be used in the TEHV study. Several of these scaffolds have been reseeded
with endothelial cells only [56,60]. The main intent of this seeding is to form an antithrombotic coating
around the bare collagen [60], and is an especially important consideration in planning for human TEHV
use, because humans may have a more difficult time endothelizing structures than do the sheep models
used in most of these studies [61]. Many other decellularized scaffolds, however, have also received a
preliminary reseeding with vascular myofibroblasts in attempts to accelerate the eventual remodeling of
the matrix [51,55,62–64]. Despite the preliminary seeding of the decellularized scaffolds, dispersing the
cells within the existing matrix has proven difficult, with some tendency for the cells to remain on the
surface or to merely line the largest pores [65]. In addition, Steinhoff et al. [62] found that the seeded cells
tended to make new matrix on top of as opposed to within the existing scaffold matrix.
The Synergraft™ valve (Cryolife, Inc., Kennesaw, Georgia) consists of a decellularized porcine pul-
monary root or composite aortic root (constructed from three noncoronary root-valve segments);
decellularized human allografts are also available [46,66]. In contrast to the other approaches, the Syner-
graft valved conduits were not reseeded with any cells before implantation in sheep models, but became
entirely repopulated with host cells and were completely functional for one year [45]. Although these scaf-
folds were developed with many techniques similar to those used for other TEHVs, they are not universally
considered tissue-engineered structures because they are not reseeded with cells before implantation.
28.2.3 Cell Seeding
The methods used to seed the cells on and within the polymeric biodegradable scaffolds and the decellu-
larized valve leaflets tend to be very straightforward: a concentrated solution containing the cells is dripped
onto the scaffold surface and the cells disperse by gravity [67,68]. This seeding dispersion was encouraged
by gentle agitation in some studies [30], but there was no report of any improved seeding efficiency due
to this method. Many TEHVs have been developed by seeding first with myofibroblasts (several million
cells), incubating 10 to 14 days, and then seeding with endothelial cells [34,37,38,62,69–72]. In preparation