mikos: “9026_c029” — 2007/4/9 — 15:53 — page5—#5
Stem Cells and Cloning 29-5
without cells lead to poor tissue development and stricture formation. The cell seeded collagen matrices
form new tissue which is histologically similar to native urethra. This technology may be applicable to
patients requiring tubularized urethral repair.
29.3.2 Bladder
Currently, gastrointestinal segments are commonly used as tissues for bladder replacement or repair.
However, gastrointestinal tissues are designed to absorb specific solutes, whereas bladder tissue is designed
for the excretion of solutes. Due to the problems encountered with the use of gastrointestinal segments,
numerous investigators have attempted alternative materials and tissues for bladder replacement or repair.
Over the last few decades, several bladder wall substitutes have been attempted with both synthetic
and organic materials. The first application of a free tissue graft for bladder replacement was reported by
Neuhoff in 1917, when fascia was used to augment bladders in dogs [42]. Since that first report, multiple
other free graft materials have been used experimentally and clinically, including bladder allografts, SIS,
pericardium, dura, and placenta [24,25,43–50]. In multiple studies using different materials as an acellular
graft for cystoplasty, the urothelial layer was able to regenerate normally, but the muscle layer, although
present, was not fully developed [24,48,51,52]. When using cell-free collagen matrices, scarring and
graft contracture may occur over time [53–58]. Synthetic materials, which have been tried previously
in experimental and clinical settings, include polyvinyl sponge, tetrafluoroethylene (Teflon), collagen
matrices, vicryl matrices, and silicone [59–62]. Most of the above attempts have usually failed due to
either mechanical, structural, functional, or biocompatibility problems. Usually, permanent synthetic
materials used for bladder reconstruction succumb to mechanical failure and urinary stone formation
and degradable materials lead to fibroblast deposition, scarring, graft contracture, and a reduced reservoir
volume over time.
Engineering tissue using selective cell transplantation may provide a means to create functional new
bladder segments [63]. The success of using cell transplantation strategies for bladder reconstruction
depends on the ability to use donor tissue efficiently and to provide the right conditions for long-term
survival, differentiation, and growth. Urothelial and muscle cells can be expanded in vitro, seeded onto
the polymer scaffold, and allowed to attach and form sheets of cells. The cell-polymer scaffold can then
be implanted in vivo. A series of in vivo urologic associated cell-polymer experiments were performed.
Histologic analysis of human urothelial, bladder muscle, and composite urothelial and bladder muscle-
polymer scaffolds, implanted in athymic mice and retrieved at different time points, indicated that viable
cells were evident in all three experimental groups [64]. Implanted cells oriented themselves spatially
along the polymer surfaces. The cell populations appeared to expand from one layer to several layers of
thickness with progressive cell organization with extended implantation times. Cell-polymer composite
implants of urothelial and muscle cells, retrieved at extended times (50 days), showed extensive formation
of multilayered sheet-like structures and well-defined muscle layers. Polymers seeded with cells and
manipulated into a tubular configuration showed layers of muscle cells lining the multilayered epithelial
sheets. Cellular debris appeared reproducibly in the luminal spaces, suggesting that epithelial cells lining
the lumina are sloughed into the luminal space. Cell polymers implanted with human bladder muscle
cells alone showed almost complete replacement of the polymer with sheets of smooth muscle at 50 days.
This experiment demonstrated, for the first time, that composite tissue engineered structures could be
created de novo. Prior to this study, only single cell type tissue engineered structures had been created. Formation of Bladder Tissue Ex-Situ
In order to determine the effects of implanting engineered tissues in continuity with the urinary tract, an
animal model of bladder augmentation was utilized [24]. Partial cystectomies, which involved removing
approximately 50% of the native bladders, were performed in 10 beagles. In five, the retrieved bladder
tissue was microdissected and the mucosal and muscular layers separated. The bladder urothelial and
muscle cells were cultured using the techniques described above. Both urothelial and smooth muscle
cells were harvested and expanded separately. A collagen-based matrix, derived from allogeneic bladder