202 Index
Leonardo (cont.)
Phyllis Astride Aristotle, 59
presumed Self-Portrait, 63
Saint Sebastian, 159–162, 182
sheet of rebuses, 116
St. Jerome, 181
Studies for a Last Supper, 152
Studies for the Adoration of the Magi,
Studies for the Virgin of the Rocks,
Studies of Mary Magdalene, 173–178
Studies of Catapults and Crossbows, 139
Study of a Dog, 30
Study of a Female Head, 77
View of the Arno River Valley, 36, 43
Virgin and Child with a Cat, 87, 90–97
Virgin and Christ Child with St. John
the Baptist, 151
Virgin of Humility, 151
education, 8–11
half-brother Antonio, 22, 79, 87
half-brother Giuliomo, 87
homosexuality, 59–62, 65, 74, 186
illegitimacy, 5, 22–23
interest in cardiovascular system, 155
inventions, 41–42
jokes and riddles, 64
in Milan, 180, 185–187
military devices, 139, 181
movement of water, 37,
39, 41–42
paintings, 30
ation of the Magi, 89, 129–138, 163,
Altarpiece for the Palazzo della Signoria,
97, 142
Annunciation, 75, 110
Benois Madonna, 83–88, 94
Head of Medusa, 30
Last Supper, 28, 89, 135, 152, 183
Madonna of the Yarnwinder, 117–119
Mona Lisa, 113, 127, 173
Monster on a Shield, 7, 29
Portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an
Ermine), 113
Portrait of Ginevra de’ Benci, 105–112
Saint Jerome, 163–169, 171
Tobias and the Angel, 33
Virgin and Child with a Carnation, 79,
Virgin of the Rocks, 151, 171–173
paragone, 107
personality, 59–64
reversed, mirror-image writing, 10, 145,
sculpture, 121
Bust of the Young Christ, 121–124
Sforza monument,
reatise on Painting, 99, 136, 172
in Verrocchio workshop, 22, 27–30, 33,
59, 67, 73, 82, 122
vision and optics, 34, 80–82, 83–86, 130
visual puns and rebuses, 108, 115–119
Lippi, Filippino, 142, 163
Lippi, Fra Filippo, 13, 17, 40, 142, 173
Adoration of the Christ, 17
Adoration of the Christ Child, 71–72
Luini, Bernardino, 178
Magdalene, Saint Mary, 174
Marsyas, 162
Martini, Francesco di Giorgio, 39, 139
Masaccio, 167
Medici, Cosimo de’, called Il Vecchio
(the Elder), 8, 13–16, 17–18, 162
Medici, Giuliano de’, 55–58, 100, 149
Medici, Lorenzo de’, called Il Magnifico
(the Magnificent), 18, 30, 39, 65, 79,
80, 100, 102–104, 105, 131, 137, 139,
145, 162, 176, 180
Piero de’, called Il Gottoso
(the Gouty), 18
Melzi, Francesco, 61, 178
Profile Study of Leonardo, 61
Monna Lucia, grandmother of Leonardo, 6,
Neoplatonists, 20, 56, 142, 175
Pazzi family, 13, 100–104, 145
Perugino, 73, 142
Petrarch, 105, 112, 174
Piero di Cosimo, 176
plague, 26, 81, 140, 159–162
Plato, 9, 56, 83–84, 137
Platonic Academy, 20, 92, 106
Pliny the Elder, Natural History, 22, 80
(Bargello), 22, 26, 103
Poliziano, Angelo, 20, 57
Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 19, 27, 34, 168
Battle of Nudes, 36
Hercules and the Hydra, 69
Shooting of Saint Sebastian, 70, 132
Tobias and the Angel, 34
Pollaiuolo, Piero, 19, 34
Annunciation, 37
Shooting of Saint Sebastian, 70
Tobias and the Angel, 34
Pontormo, Jacopo, 177
Pulci, Luca, 56
Puligo, Domenico, 177
Rizzoli, Giovanni Pietro, called
Giampietrino, 178
Robertet, Florimond, 118
Rossellino, Antonio, 27, 161