The Cauchy Problem for Some Equations of Mathematical Physics
obvious way) exist for initial data u(0) in a dense set D C E and depend
continuously on them, in the sense that lim u., (t) = 0 in F, uniformly in
0 < t < T whenever (the generalized sequence) (u., (0)) converges to zero in E
(note that in the examples considered above D(A(t)) = E and A(t) : E -* F
is continuous). Different abstract schemes of this type, corresponding to
different definitions of solution could be devised. A setting where E and F
are Banach spaces is the following: E is the Banach space BC(N)(Rm-') of
functions with bounded and continuous partial derivatives of order < N
(equipped with the norm 1 1.1 1 N, the supremum of all these derivatives in
Rm-') and F = BC(M)(R'-'). This last version, however, is probably not
very faithful to Hadamard's formulation since it incorporates a priori
restrictions on the behavior of the solutions at infinity (implicit in their
membership in BC(M)(R`) for all t), which are wholly absent from his
original definition of correctly set problem; however, these restrictions at
infinity allow us to treat as well characteristic Cauchy problems (such as the
usual initial value problem for the heat equation) for which the local
schemes in Theorems (1.7.1) and (1.7.2) are inadequate, since solutions may
not exist or uniqueness may fail (see Hormander [1961: 1, p. 121]).
The abstract Cauchy problem in the sense described above does not
seem to have been studied in full generality; for the case where E and F are
Banach spaces, see Krein-Laptev-Cvetkova [ 1970: 11, where T = oo and the
problem is understood in a somewhat different sense (see also Sova [1977:
1]). On the other hand, there exists a vast literature on properly posed
"concrete" Cauchy problems for partial differential equations, undoubtedly
one of the central questions in the theory: see, for instance, Petrovskii [1938:
1], A. Lax [1956: 11, Lax [1957: 2], Hormander [1955: 1] and [1969: 11
(additional references can be found there), Strang [1966: 1], [1967: 1], [1969:
Flaschka-Strang [1971:
Gelfand-Silov [1958: 3], and Friedman
[1963: 1].
The abstract Cauchy problem for differential equations in Banach
spaces was introduced by Hille [ 1952: 3] (see also [ 1953: 2], [195 3: 3], [1954:
1], [1954: 2], [1957: 1], Phillips [1954: 2]). It should be pointed out that
Hille's prescription for a well-set Cauchy problem is somewhat different
from that in Section 1.2 not only in the minor technical matter of definition
of solution but in that continuous dependence is not assumed; the matter of
interest is that solutions (that satisfy a certain growth condition at infinity)
should be unique. That continuous dependence follows from existence and
uniqueness in certain cases can be seen much in the same way as in
Theorems 1.7.1 and 1.7.2, as the following result (which is due to Phillips
[ 1954: 2] in a slightly more general formulation) shows.
1.7.3 Theorem.
Let A be a densely defined operator in the Banach
space E such that p(A) * 0. Assume that for every u E D(A) there exists a
unique solution of
u'(t) = Au(t) (t >_ 0) (1.7.8)