1.3. The Diffusion Equation in a Square
extended to a function u(z,, z2, ) holomorphic for z, E C, z2 E C, and
Re t > 0. Any of the partial derivatives can be obtained by term-by-term
differentiation of (1.1.11).
For the proof, it suffices to observe that if I Im z,1, I Im z21 < a, and
Re > E, where a and E are positive, the general term of the series in (1.3.5)
is bounded in absolute value by
where the I amn l are uniformly bounded.
As a consequence of this result we see that the solution u(-) will in
fact be a classical solution (and more) for t > 0 (although the derivative on
the right at t = 0 must be understood in the LP sense).
Another notable property of the heat-diffusion equation is that, due
to the rapidly decreasing multipliers exp(- IC (n 2 + m2 ) t) in the Fourier
series (1.3.5) of a solution, the values of a family of solutions at any fixed
t > 0 tend to "bunch up" even if the family of initial values is widely
dispersed. A precise statement of this phenomenon is:
1.3.3 Lemma. Let (u k) be a sequence in L'(9) with
< C
(n > 1) and let t > 0. Then the sequence (S(t)uk) c Cr(SZ),
the evolution
operator of (1.3.1)) contains a subsequence convergent in the norm of C r (S2 ).
Proof Using Lemma 1.3.2 for the computation of the derivatives
we have, noting that
I amn I < 47r -
211U(0)111 for
any L' solution of (1.3.1):
IIS(t)ukIICr(i), IIDJS(t)ukIICr(5)<C
for k > 1 and some constant C > 0. The second set of bounds and the mean
value theorem are easily seen to imply that the family (uk(t)) is equicontinu-
ous (more precisely, equi-Lipschitz continuous) in S2, thus the result follows
from the Arzela-Ascoli theorem (Dunford-Schwartz [1958: 1, p. 266]).
Considering the relations between the different LP norms among
them and with the norm of Cr, we obtain as a consequence of Lemma 1.3.3
that the propagators S(t) of (1.3.1) in any of the spaces LP or Cr are
compact operators for any t > 0 (see Example 3.10 for definitions and
A somewhat similar treatment of the heat-diffusion equation can be
given for the boundary condition
D"u(x, y,t)=0 (t>0, (x,y)El'),
where v denotes the outer normal vector at the boundary (which is well
defined except at the four corners of 9) and D° is the derivative in the