Elements of Functional Analysis
of the adjoint is more complicated when we consider unbounded operators.
Let A be a densely defined operator in E. Then u* E E* belongs to the
domain of the adjoint A* if and only if u - (u*, Au) is a continuous linear
functional of u-that is, if there exists v* E E* such that
(v*, u) = (u*, Au), (4.2)
and we set
A*u = v*. (4.3)
Since we assume D(A) dense in E, (4.2) is sufficient to identify v*, thus A*
is well defined. It may well be the case, however, that D(A*) reduces to (0).
As we shall see below, this rather unfortunate situation can be avoided if we
impose some mild assumptions on A. To clarify this we begin by identifying
the dual of E X E endowed with the norm Ku, v}II = Hull + 110.
4.1 Lemma. The dual space (E X E)* can be linearly and isometri-
cally identified with the space E* X E* normed with
II(u*, v*}IlE*xE* _
max(Ilu*II,IIv*ID, an element of E* X E* acting as a functional on E X E
through the formula
((u*, v*), (u, v)) = (u*, v) - (v*, u). (4.4)
The proof is simple. It is clear that (4.4) defines a linear functional in
E X E whose norm does not surpass max(IIu*Ii,lly*Il). These two numbers
must in fact coincide; if, say, llu*ll ? Ilv*ll, we can insert in (4.4) elements of
the form (0, v) with llvll =1 and Ilu*(u)ll arbitrarily close to Ilu*II. On the
other hand, let F be a continuous linear functional in E X E. Then 4D((u, v))
= (u*, v) - (v*, u), where u*, v* are defined by (u*, v) =1'((0, v)) (v E E)
and (v*,u) _ -4((u,0)) (uEE).
The reasons for choosing the identification (4.4) over the far more
symmetric ((u*, v*),(u, v)) = (u*, u) + (v*, v) (which works equally well)
will be clear in a few lines.
We digress now briefly. If K is a subset of a Banach space E, we
define K' C E*, the orthogonal of K, as follows:
K' = (u*EE*; (u*, u) = 0, u E K).
It is easy to check that K 1 is always a closed subspace of E*. If E is a
reflexive space, then K 1 1 = (K 1)1 may be considered as a subspace of E.
We have:
Let E be reflexive, K a subspace of E. Then K 1 1 = K
= closure of K; in particular, if K is closed, then K 11 = K.
To prove this we observe that K'' D K even if K is not a subspace.
On the other hand, if u OE, we may construct through Corollary 2.2 a
functional u* such that u*(K) = (0), u*(u) = 1, which proves that u 44 K' 1