1.7. Miscellaneous Notes
as, in the contrary case, they could be approximated with any required
precision by analytic ones. But, in my opinion, this objection would not
apply, the question not being whether such an approximation would alter
the data very little but whether it would alter the solution very little."'
Hadamard presents the classical counterexample to the approximation
argument-namely, the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation (which
will be found in its essential features in Chapter 6)-and singles out those
Cauchy problems for which continuous dependence holds; correctly set
problems in his terminology. Other names (well set, well posed, properly
posed) are in current use now.
The concept of a properly posed problem in the sense of Hadamard
does not fit into the abstract framework introduced in Section 1.2. To
clarify this we restrict ourselves to the particular case where the equation is
linear and of first order and where the hypersurface is the hyperplane
xm = 0. The requirement that .
be nowhere characteristic implies that the
equation or system can be written in the form
Dtu= Y_ Aj(x)Dju+B(x)u+f(x),
where u, f are vector functions of (x1,. .. ,
x,,) and the A, B are matrix
functions of appropriate dimensions; we assume that A j, B, f have deriva-
tives of all orders. The Cauchy data of u reduce to its value for xm = 0,
u(xl,...,Xm-1,0)=4,(xi,...,Xm-1). (1.7.2)
The Cauchy problem is properly posed in the sense of Hadamard if solutions
exist for, say, (p infinitely differentiable and depend continuously on q ;
according to Hadamard, continuous dependence is understood in the topol-
ogy of uniform convergence (on compact sets) of derivatives up to a certain
order, not necessarily the same for the data and the solution. It is remarka-
ble that continuous dependence in this sense is a consequence of existence
and uniqueness, as the following result (where we assume that f = 0) shows:
1.7.1 Theorem.
Let Xm > 0. Assume a unique infinitely differentia-
ble solution u of (1.7.1), (1.7.2) exists in
I x
I < Xm for every T E 6 (R m -1).
Then, given a, b > 0 and an integer M >, 0 there exists an integer N >_ 0
such that if (q7n) c 6 (Rm-1) with the support of each 9)n contained in
I D#99n(x)I = 0
n- oo
uniformly in Otm-1 for / =
,$m_1) with I$I < N, then
lint IDaun(x)I =0
n - 00
1 From J. Hadamard, Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential
Equations, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1923).