Notation and Subject Index
of the Dirac operator, 296-297
of elliptic differential operators, 304-305
of essentially self-adjoint operators, 290
of infinitesimal generators, 338
of m-dissipative operators, 286-290
of the neutron transport operator, 279-280,
of operators in 6, 290-292
of operators in (2, 268-272
of operators in e+(1,0), 286-290
of the Schrodinger operator for I particle,
292-293, 297-304
of the Schrodinger operator for n particles,
of self-adjoint operators, 290, 301-302
of self-adjoint operators by symmetric
sesquilinear forms, 302
singular, 340-345
of stable families, 427
Perturbation problem, 338
Phillips adjoints (or #-adjoints), 77-80
of elliptic partial differential operators,
of m-dissipative operators, 125
of operators in e+, 77-80
of operators in (2+(1,0) 125
of ordinary differential operators, 133-134,
142, 146
of strongly continuous semigroups, 77-80
Poincare (asymptotic in the sense of), 71
Poisson formula (abstract), 100
Positive operators, 162
Positive part (of an element in a Banach
lattice), 160
Positive propagators, 162
Post formula (for inversion of Laplace
transforms), 92
Coulomb for I particle, 293
Coulomb for n particles, 294
with inverse quadratic singularities,
Principle of fading memory, 481
Product integral, 425
Projection, 17
isometric in t > 0, 154-156
isometric in - oo < t < oo, 121-122
isometric in Hilbert space, 159
positive, 162-164
of time-independent equations, 30
of time-dependent equations, 382
Quasilinear equations, 112-115
Quasi-reversibility methods, 344-345
r, r(A) (spectral radius of an operator), 6
R (X), R (A; A) (resolvent of an operator),
2, 7-8
p, p (A), (resolvent set of an operator), 2,
R (X), 91(A; P) (resolvent of an operator-
valued distribution), 485
r, r ( P) (resolvent set of an operator-valued
distribution), 485
r, r(O; A), r(X0), 186
R"', m-dimensional Euclidean space
R'+, 239
Real vs. complex spaces, 123-125
Reflexive spaces, 5, 125
Representation problem, 338
Resolution of the identity for a normal
operator, 18
of adjoint operator, 14
analytic continuation of, 8-9
of a bounded operator, 2
of an operator-valued distribution, 485
of an unbounded operator, 7
Resolvent equation
first, 8
second, 9
Resolvent set
of adjoint operator, 14
of a bounded operator, 2
of an operator-valued distribution, 485
of an unbounded operator, 7
Reverse logarithmic region, 494
Reversed Cauchy problem
for the heat equation in a square, 350-352
for abstract parabolic equations, 354-357
by logarithmic convexity methods, 375
Riesz potential operator of order - I, 311
Riesz representation theorem
for LF(Q; µ) spaces, 20
for C(K), Cj(K ), C0(K) spaces, 20-21
Riesz transforms, 311
Right (product) integral, 456
S(t), S(t; A), 30, 80, 272
S(t,s), 382
S(t; A) F, 307
SP(t), 188, 261
a, a(A) (spectrum of an operator), 2, 8
P) (spectrum of an operator-valued
distribution), 485