The Cauchy Problem for Some Equations of Mathematical Physics
(See (1.3).) This formula, generalized to unbounded A in Chapter 2, will be the basis
of our treatment of the abstract Cauchy problem. Of some importance also is the
representation of the propagator as the inverse Laplace transform of R (X ); in our
case, we can verify by means of another term-by-term integration that
SM=217if e"'R(X)dX
where F is a simple closed contour, oriented counterclockwise and enclosing a (A) in
its interior. Formula (1.2.14) has counterparts for unbounded A (see Example 2.1.9).
Note also that (1.2.14) is nothing but the prescription to compute efA according to
the functional calculus sketched in Example 3.12.
1.2.3 Example.
Using (1.2.14) show that if rM = sup(Re X; i E a(A))
and if w > rM, then
IIS(t)JI <Ce" (t>_ 0) (1.2.15)
for a suitable constant C. (b) Show that (1.2.15) does not necessarily hold if w = rM.
(c) Using (1.2.13) show that (1.2.15) cannot hold if w < rM.
Equation (1.1.1) describes the evolution in time of the temperature of an
homogeneous plate occupying the square 0 < x, y < it (tc is the ratio of the
conductivity to the specific heat; see Bergman-Schiffer [1953: 1, Ch. 1]),
the boundary condition (1.1.3) expressing the fact that the temperature at
the boundary is kept equal to zero. In this case, the choice of the space E in
Section 1.1 is natural enough. However, the equation is also a model for
diffusion processes; in that case u(x, y, t) is the concentration at (x, y) at
time t of the diffusing substance while the boundary condition (1.1.3)
expresses that particles reaching the boundary F are absorbed. (See
Bharucha-Reid [1960: 1, Ch. 3], where the interpretation of K is also
discussed.) In the diffusion case the supremum norm has no obvious
physical meaning; on the other hand, Ju(x, y; t) dx dy is the total amount of
matter present at time t and this suggests that the L' norm is the natural
choice here. (Observe, incidentally, that only nonnegative solutions should
be admitted since densities cannot be negative; the same is true for heat
processes if we measure temperatures in the absolute scale. We shall
comment on this later in this section). Since no additional complication is
involved, we take E = LP(S2), where 1 < p < oo. The main difference with
the case E = Cr(S2) considered in Section 1 is that now functions in E are
only defined modulo a null set, and thus it makes no sense trying to impose
the boundary condition on every function in E. This difficulty, however,
may be readily circumvented by including the boundary condition in the
definition of the domain of A. In fact, we define here D(A) to be the set of
all u such that ux, uy,, uXx, uX3,, uyy exist in 9, are continuous in 12, and such
that u = 0 on F. Condition (a) of the definition of well-posed Cauchy