12.6 Two Classic Problems 219
2.6 IWo Classic Problems
A large number of methods exist to construct conic sections from given pieces
of information, most based on Pascal's theorem. A nice collection is given in the
book by R. Liming
An in-depth discussion of those methods is beyond the
scope of this book; we restrict ourselves to the solution of two problems.
Conic from two points and tangents plus another point. The given data
amount to prescribing bo^bi, b2. The missing weight Wi must be determined
from the point p, which is assumed to be on the conic. We assume, without loss
of generality, that the conic is in standard form
= tv2 = Vj.
For the solution, we make use of the implicit form (12.21). We can easily
determine the barycentric coordinates
tj, Xi of p with respect to the triangle
formed by the three b/. We can then solve (12.21) for the unknown weight Wi:
wi= ^^ . (12.22)
If p is inside the triangle formed by
then (12.22) always has a solution.
Otherwise, problems might occur (see Problems). If we do not insist on the conic
in standard form, the given point may be given the parameter value t
1/2, in
which case it is referred to as a shoulder point,
Conic from two points and tangents plus a third tangent. Again, we are
given the Bezier polygon of the conic plus a tangent, which passes through two
points that we call bj and bj. We have to find the interior weight u/j, assuming
the conic will be in standard form. The unknown weight
determines the two
weight points qo and q^, with q^qi parallel to bob2; see Figure 12.8.
We compute the ratios ro = ratio(bo, bj, b^) and r^ = ratio(bi, bj, b2). From
the definition of the q^ in (12.11), it follows that ratio(bo, qo? b^) = Wi and
ratio(bi, qi, b2) = l/w^. The cross ratio property (12.12) now yields
^=rxwi, (12.23)
from which we easily determine w^ = y/ro/rl. The number under the square root
must be nonnegative for this to be meaningful (see Problems). Again, if we do
not insist on standard form, we may associate the parameter value t = 1/2 with
the given tangent—it is then called a shoulder tangent.
Figure 12.8 also gives a strictly geometric construction: intersect lines bobj
and b2bo. Connect the intersection with bj and intersect with the given tangent:
the intersection is the desired point p.