202 Chapter 11 Geometric Continuity
The lower triangular matrix in (11.26) is called a connection matrix^ it
connects the derivatives of one segment to that of the other. For rth order
geometric continuity, the connection matrix is a lov^er triangular r y. r matrix;
for more details, see Gregory [291] or Goodman
See also the related
discussion in Section 10.6. The connection matrix is a powerful theoretical tool,
and has been used to derive variation diminishing properties of geometrically
continuous curves (Dyn and Micchelli [181]), to show the projective in variance
of torsion continuity (Boehm [76]), and for other theoretical pursuits (Goldman
The definition of geometric continuity has been used by Manning
Barsky [40], Barsky and DeRose [43], Degen
[488], [489],
In terms of classical differential geometry, the concept of G^ is called
order two of contact; see do Carmo
It was used in a constructive context
by G. Geise [256] as early as 1962.
An interesting phenomenon arises if we consider geometric continuity of order
higher than two. Consider a G^ space curve. It is easy to verify that it possesses
continuous curvature and torsion. But the converse is not true: there are space
curves with continuous curvature and torsion that are not G^ (Farin [192]). This
more general class of curves, called Frenet frame continuous^ has been studied by
Boehm [74]; see also Section 10.6 and Hagen
[299], They are characterized
by a more general connection matrix than that for G^ continuity; it is given by
«! 0 0 •
0^2 oi^ 0
L «3
^ «i .
where fi is an arbitrary constant. For higher-order Frenet frame continuity, we
have to resort to higher-dimensional spaces; this has been carried out by Dyn and
Goldman and MiccheUi
and Pottmann
see also the survey by Gregory
An even more general concept than
that of Frenet frame continuity has been discussed recently by H. Pottmann
A condition for torsion continuity of two adjacent Bezier curves with polygons
b^ and
..., c„ is given by
,b^] _ volume[co,... ,03] (H 27)
|Ab^_ll|6 IIAq
See Boehm [73], Farin
or Hagen
A nice geometric interpretation of the fact that torsion continuity is more
general than G^ continuity is due to
Boehm [73]. If
b„ and
are given such that the two curves are G^, can we vary
and still maintain G^
continuity? The answer is yes, and
may be displaced by any vector parallel