10.6 Composite Curves 189
implies that
is continuous if K' is and vice versa. To ensure
= x^', the
coefficients a and of^y must be the result of the application of the chain rule; that
with Qf2i =
and a^^x^y^ one finds that
= 30?^. Now, as before, the curve
is tangent continuous if
x_^ = ax_, a > 0,
it is curvature and osculating plane continuous if in addition
.. .
X_ + j6x_,
but it is /c' continuous if in addition
x^ = a\_ + 3a^x_ + yx_
and vice versa.
Remark / / For planar curves, torsion continuity is a vacuous condition, but
continuity is
2 The preceding results may be used for the definition of higher-order geometric
continuity, A curve is said to be G^, or rth order geometrically continuous if a
regular reparametrization exists after which it is U. This definition is obviously
equivalent to the requirement of C^~^ continuity of
and C~^ continuity of r.
As a consequence, geometric continuity may be defined by using the chain rule,
as in the example for r = 3.
Remark 13 The geometric invariants curvature and torsion may be generalized for higher-
dimensional curves. Continuing the process mentioned in Remark 8, we find
that a J-dimensional curve has d
1 geometric invariants. Continuity of these
invariants makes sense only in E^, as was demonstrated for d = 2'm Remark 11.
Remark / 4 Note that although curvature and torsion are euclidean invariants, curvature and
torsion continuity (as well as the generalizations discussed in Remarks 12 and 13)
are affinely invariant properties of a curve. Both are also projectively invariant
properties; see Boehm [76] and Goldman and Micchelli
Remark 15 If two curve segments meet with a continuous tangent and have (possibly differ-
ent) curvatures K_ and
at the common point, then the ratio K_/K^ is also a
projectively invariant quantity. This is known as Memke's theorem; see Bol [88].