Environmental Encyclopedia 3
Tish Davidson, A.M.: Freelance Writer, Fremont, Cali-
Stephanie Dionne: Freelance Journalist, Ann Arbor,
Frank M. D’Itri, Ph.D.: Institute of Water Research,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Teresa C. Donkin: Freelance Writer, Minneapolis, Min-
David A. Duffus, Ph.D.: Department of Geography, Uni-
versity of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Douglas Dupler, M.A.: Freelance Writer, Boulder, Col-
Cathy M. Falk: Freelance Writer, Portland, Oregon
L. Fleming Fallon Jr., M.D., Dr.P.H.: Associate Profes-
sor, Public Health, Bowling Green State University ,
Bowling Green, Ohio
George M. Fell: Freelance Writer, Inver Grove Heights,
Gordon R. Finch, Ph.D.: Department of Civil Engi-
neering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Paula Anne Ford-Martin, M.A.: Wordcrafts, Warwick,
Rhode Island
Janie Franz: Freelance Writer, Grand Forks, North Dakota
Bill Freedman, Ph.D.: School for Resource and Environ-
mental Studies, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Sco-
tia, Canada
Rebecca J. Frey, Ph.D.: Writer, Editor, and Editorial Con-
sultant, New Haven, Connecticut
Cynthia Fridgen, Ph.D.: Department of Resource Devel-
opment, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Andrea Gacki: Freelance Writer, Bay City, Michigan
Brian Geraghty: Ford Motor Company, Dearborn,
Robert B. Giorgis, Jr.: Air Resources Board, Sacramento,
Debra Glidden: Freelance American Indian Investigative
Journalist, Syracuse, New York
Eville Gorham, Ph.D.: Department of Ecology, Evolution
and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Min-
Darrin Gunkel: Freelance Writer, Seattle, Washington
Malcolm T. Hepworth, Ph.D.: Department of Civil and
Mineral Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minne-
apolis, Minnesota
Katherine Hauswirth: Freelance Writer, Roanoke, Virginia
Richard A. Jeryan: Ford Motor Company, Dearborn,
Barbara J. Kanninen, Ph.D.: Hubert H. Humphrey Insti-
tute of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, Minneap-
olis, Minnesota
Christopher McGrory Klyza, Ph.D.: Department of Polit-
ical Science, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont
John Korstad, Ph.D.: Department of Natural Science, Oral
Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Monique LaBerge, Ph.D.: Research Associate, Depart-
ment of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Royce Lambert, Ph.D.: Soil Science Department, Califor-
nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Cali-
William E. Larson, Ph.D.: Soil Science Department, Uni-
versity of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
Ellen E. Link: Freelance Writer, Laingsburg, Michigan
Sarah Lloyd: Freelance Writer, Cambria, Wisconsin
James P. Lodge Jr.: Consultant in Atmospheric Chemistry,
Boulder, Colorado
William S. Lynn, Ph.D.: Department of Geography, Uni-
versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Alair MacLean: Environmental Editor, OMB Watch,
Washington, DC
Alfred A. Marcus, Ph.D.: Carlson School of Management,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gregory McCann: Freelance Writer, Freeland, Michigan
Cathryn McCue: Freelance Journalist, Roanoke, Virginia
Mary McNulty: Freelance Writer, Illinois
Jennifer L. McGrath: Freelance Writer, South Bend, In-
Robert G. McKinnell, Ph.D.: Department of Genetics and
Cell Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Min-
Nathan H. Meleen, Ph.D.: Engineering and Physics De-
partment, Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Liz Meszaros: Freelance Writer, Lakewood, Ohio
Muthena Naseri: Moorpark College, Moorpark, California
B. R. Niederlehner, Ph.D.: University Center for Environ-
mental and Hazardous Materials Studies, Virginia Poly-
technic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Vir-
David E. Newton: Instructional Horizons, Inc., San Fran-
cisco, California
Robert D. Norris: Eckenfelder Inc., Nashville, Tennessee
Teresa G. Norris, R.N.: Medical Writer, Ute Park, New
Karen Oberhauser, Ph.D.: University of Minnesota, St.
Paul, Minnesota
Stephanie Ocko: Freelance Journalist, Brookline, Massa-