South Wales. There are three main methods of mining,
long wall, pillar and room, and linear. In long-wall
mining, ground subsidence is expected, whereas in
pillar-and-room/stall mining, long-term subsidence is
considered possible. Subsidence is not anticipated in
linear mineral mining.
Long-wall mining is a relatively recent develop-
ment. Up to 80% of the horizon may be removed,
generally using machinery to win material from a
long face. During the extraction process, the roof is
supported; behind the advancing face, the roof is al-
lowed to collapse. Although some bulking will occur
as the material collapses, the depth of settlement at
the surface is commonly one-third to two-thirds the
thickness of the worked seam. Settlement is likely to
extend over a larger area than that mined because the
failure of the ground is controlled by the angle of
draw, commonly 25–45
from the vertical, depending
on the nature of the strata. This method of mining is
applicable only when the material won can be frag-
mented, and hence in Britain has been used mainly for
coal extraction and the working of the Fuller’s Earth
Bed at Bath.
p0020 Pillar-and-room/stall mining has been carried out
for many hundreds of years. It is the main method
of stone extraction and an early method of winning
coal and salt. The size and shape of the support pillars
depend very much on the nature of the material being
won and the depth of the resource. In stone mines,
the pillars may be narrower because the material is
stronger, but because it is also more brittle, failure
may occur by surface spalling. In weak materials such
as coal, salt, and gypsum, creep within the material
would be anticipated and hence the pillars are invari-
ably bigger, the height/width ratio being an important
consideration. As a consequence of the mining, the
ground above the rooms/stalls is de-stressed and spal-
ling of the roof material may occur, resulting in void
migration. Important considerations are the dimen-
sions of the rooms/stalls and the nature of the over-
lying strata. Mudrocks may experience stress-release
fissuring and spall or may act as a competent mater-
ial. Over shallow mines, despite bulking, the voids
may extend through to the surface to form a crown
hole collapse. Alternatively, the upwards migration of
the void may be intercepted by a sandstone horizon
with fewer discontinuities, with the result that the
original height/width ratio of the pillar may be greatly
changed. In this situation, the sandstone acts as a
bridge, but if overstressing of the elongated pillars
results in the collapse of one or more supports, the
adjacent columns must take the additional weight,
creating a scenario whereby larger areas may collapse
as a result of the domino effect. Typical examples
are in the Coal Measures at Bathgate, south-west of
Edinburgh, and the Heidegroeve area in the Nether-
lands, where the roof of a calcarenite mine failed in
June 1988. On both occasions, the sudden collapse of
the ground produced ‘earthquake’ shocks.
p9000In addition to the failure of the roof over pillar-and-
room workings, collapses frequently occur close to
adits and/or mine shafts where the ground experi-
ences more intense climatic change than it does deep
in the mine. Ground failure also commonly occurs
when shafts or bell pits have been inadequately filled
and/or capped.
Linear mineral mining is generally related to the
extraction of lodes of metalliferous minerals. Such
narrow workings rarely cause ground subsidence be-
cause the nature of the rock does not facilitate void
migration and the rocks are sufficiently competent
to arch over the void. However, subsidence may
occur related to old shafts, unless they have been
appropriately filled or capped.
Subsidence manifested through a particular rock
horizon may be created by failure of mining under-
taken in lower strata. Such a phenomenon is common
in the West Midlands, where the Silurian limestones
have been mined as a flux for the iron and steel indus-
try but the subsidence is seen in the overlying Coal
Measure rocks.
Mining frequently involves the necessity to drain
the strata. This may result in consolidation of the
overlying sediments and/or dissolution as ground-
water passes down to much greater depths than
would otherwise occur. The consolidation resulting
from a modification of the groundwater regime in the
area may result in structures above and adjacent to
the workings experiencing settlement. If dissolution
of cements occurs, the percolating groundwaters may
carry a fine fraction in suspension, which can again
result in settlement.
Increasingly, tunnels and other areas of under-
ground space are now being developed. During the
driving of a tunnel, the ground above the work first
experiences extension, and then, as some settlement
occurs, the stress regime changes to one of compres-
sion. Even when every attempt is made to reduce sub-
sidence and its effect on transport routes and property
above a tunnel, including the use of compensation
grouting, a settlement trough is a common feature.
Calcareous rocks are prone to dissolution by slightly
acidic water, whether the acidity is carbonic acid from
the atmosphere, humic acids from the near-surface or-
ganic-rich horizons, or sulphuric acids associated with
the weathering of iron sulphides. Although the older
limestones (such as the Carboniferous limestones),