is called Ancylus Lake, with reference to a typical
freshwater snail occurring in these waters (Ancylus
fluviatilis)(Figure 9). This freshwater stage lasted
more than two thousand years and was characterised
by considerable short-term water level fluctuations. As
differential isostatic uplift continued, the critical
thresholds between the Baltic Basin and Kattegat
moved from southern Sweden to the recent-formed
Danish Straits. At about 8000 years BP, the eustatic
sea-level rise led to the first ingressions of marine
waters into the Baltic Basin. In pace with the rapidly
rising global sea-level, the thresholds were flooded
and a stable connection between the Kattegat and the
Baltic Basin was formed. This crucial phase of
the Baltic Sea’s evolution is called the Littorina trans-
gression, after a marine snail which is common in
deposits of this period (Littorina littorea). At the
onset of the Littorina transgression, the water level
rose at a rate of 25 mm year within the south-western
Baltic Basin (eustatic rise added to crustal subsidence,
as described above), which slowed down later to
about 3 mm year at about 4500 years BP (Figure 10).
During a time-span of less than a thousand years, the
sea-level rose by more than 20 m, implying enormous
rates of coastal retreat within the southern Baltic
Basin. Due to the rapidly rising sea-level at the begin-
ning of the Littorina Stage, the glaciogenically-shaped
land relief was drowned without any notable coastal
erosion and longshore transport processes of sedi-
mentary material. The resulting geographical situ-
ation is shown in Figure 11. Only after the sea-level
rise slowed down at the end of the Littorina Stage
(about 2000 years BP), and during the Post-Littorina
Stage, was the recent spit and barrier coast formed by
erosion and sediment transport. This process was
mainly controlled by climatic factors, such as the
wind-driven hydrographic regime which was super-
imposed on long-term eustatic and isostatic move-
ments which have caused rising relative sea-levels
and coastal retreat at the southern Baltic shores in
recent times. Further north in Fennoscandia, isostatic
uplift continuously exceeded the eustatic sea-level
rise, resulting in a permanent general sea regression
(Figure 7).
The changing Holocene sea level within the Mediter-
ranean basins was and is mainly controlled by eustatic
processes. In contrast to northern Europe, glacio-
isostasy does not play a significant role. On the other
hand, this region occupies the junction between the
African-Arabian and the Eurasian plates which gives
considerable tectonic activity in the different sediment-
ary basins of the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the
general picture of the sea-level, development which
reflects the eustatic curves, is superimposed on the
regional and local tectonics.
A matter of ongoing discussion is the possibility of
the reconnection of the Black Sea and the Mediterra-
nean Sea during the period of Holocene sea-level rise.
A catastrophic flood scenario at about 7500 years BP
Figure 6 Principle of glacio-isostatic vertical crustal move-
ments: (a) Ice load causes subsidence of the Earth’s crust
below and compensatory uplift beyond the ice margin as a fore-
bulge; (b) Uplift of the ice-released Earth’s crust and related
displacement of the forebulge. (Modified after Daly 1934.)
Figure 7 Schematic Holocene relative sea level curves for
different European regions (blue = Oslo, Norway; yellow =
south-eastern Sweden; light blue = southern Baltic Sea; brown
= French Atlantic coast; green = Netherlands; purple = central
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