of the North Sea Basin and the Western Shelves
continued. During the Late Eocene and Oligocene,
reorganization of sea-floor spreading axes in the
Norwegian-Greenland Sea, the shelves of the British
Isles were destabilized by minor wrench faulting in
the prolongation of the Iceland ridge and the Charlie
Gibbs fracture zones, causing the subsidence of small
transtensional basins in the Irish Sea area (Figure 14).
Moreover, repeated pulses of basin inversion inter-
fered with the thermal subsidence of the Celtic Sea,
Western Approaches, and Channel basins (Figure 3).
During the Eocene, thrust-loaded flexural subsid-
ence of the foreland of the Western, Central, and
Eastern Alps, and also the Carpathian foreland, com-
menced. Oligocene to Miocene emplacement of the
East-Alpine and Carpathian nappe systems was, how-
ever, not accompanied by further intraplate compres-
sional deformation of their forelands, thus reflecting
mechanical decoupling of these orogens from their
forelands. By contrast, Late Eocene–Early Oligocene
and Late Oligocene–Early Miocene inversion pulses
evident in the Celtic Sea, Western Approaches, Chan-
nel, Weald, Sole Pit, Broad Fourteens, and West
Netherlands basins testify to intermittent and increas-
ing mechanical coupling of the evolving West and
Central Alpine Orogen with its foreland (Figures 3
and 14). Crustal shortening in the Western and
Central Alps persisted during the Late Miocene and
Pliocene, as evident by folding of the Jura Mountains,
and may indeed still be going on, as indicated by
earthquake activity and geodetic data.
In the Alpine foreland, development of the tec-
tonically still active European Cainozoic rift system
(ECRIS) commenced during the Late Eocene. Today
this rift system extends over a distance of more than
1000 km from the Dutch North Sea coast to the Medi-
terranean. Its southern elements are the northerly-
striking Limagne and the Valence and Bresse grabens,
which are superimposed on and flank the Massif
Central, respectively. These grabens are linked via
the Burgundy transfer zone to the northerly-striking
Upper Rhine Graben which bifurcates northwards
into the north-west-trending Roer Graben and the
north-easterly trending Hessian grabens that transect
the Rhenish Massif. The north-east-striking Eger
Graben, which transects the Bohemian Massif, forms
an integral part of the ECRIS (Figure 14). Localization
of ECRIS involved the reactivation of Permo-Carbon-
iferous shear systems. Although characterized by rela-
tively low crustal stretching factors, the evolution of
the ECRIS was accompanied by the development
of major volcanic centres on the Massif Central, the
Rhenish Massif and the Bohemian Massif, particu-
larly during Miocene and Plio-Pleistocene times. Seis-
mic tomography indicates that mantle plumes well up
beneath the Massif Central and the Rhenish Massif
but not beneath the Vosges-Black Forest arch; similar
data are, however, not available for the Bohemian
Massif. Despite this, the evolution of the ECRIS is
considered to be a clear case of passive rifting.
During the Late Eocene, the Valence, Limagne,
Bresse, Upper Rhine, and Hessian grabens began to
subside in response to northerly-directed compres-
sional stresses that can be related to the collisional
interaction of the Pyrenees and the Alps with their
forelands. These originally-separated rifted basins co-
alesced during their Oligocene main extensional
phase, and the Roer and Eger Grabens started.
During the Late Oligocene, rifting propagated south-
ward across the Pyrenean Orogen into the Gulf of
Lions and along coastal Spain in response to back-
arc extension, that was controlled by eastward roll-
back of the subducted Betic-Balearic slab. By Late
Burdigalian times, crustal separation was achieved,
the oceanic Provenc¸al Basin began to open, and the
grabens of southern France became inactive. By con-
trast, the intra-continental parts of the ECRIS
remained tectonically active until the present, al-
though their subsidence has been repeatedly inter-
rupted, possibly in conjunction with stresses
controlling far-field inversion tectonics. By end-
Oligocene times, magmatic activity increased on the
Rhenish Shield. At the same time, the area of the
triple junction between the Upper Rhine, Roer, and
Hessian grabens became uplifted, presumably in re-
sponse to thermal thinning of the lithosphere, inter-
rupting the Oligocene sea-way which had linked the
North Sea Basin with the Alpine foreland basin. By
Middle–Late Miocene times, the Massif Central, the
Vosges-Black Forest arch, and slightly later, also the
Bohemian Massif, were uplifted. This was accompan-
ied by increased mantle-derived volcanic activity. At
the level of the Moho, a broad anticlinal feature
extends from the Massif Central via the Burgundy
Transfer zone, the Vosges-Black Forest into the
Bohemian Massif (Figure 2). Uplift of these arches
probably involved folding of the lithosphere in re-
sponse to increased collisional coupling of the Alpine
Orogen with its foreland. Uplift of the Burgundy
transfer zone entailed partial erosional isolation of
the Paris Basin. Under the present north-west-directed
stress regime, which had developed during the Mio-
cene and intensified during the Pliocene and reflects a
combination of Alpine collisional and Arctic-North
Atlantic ridge-push forces, the Upper Rhine Graben
is subjected to sinistral shear, the Roer Graben is
under active extension, whilst thermal uplift of the
Rhenish triple junction continues. Moreover, the late
phase of accelerated subsidence of the North Sea
Basin, commencing in the Pliocene, as well as the
120 EUROPE/Permian to Recent Evolution