other materials. When a hardened crust is present near
the surface, then the strength of laterite beneath
decreases with increasing depth.
Red clays and latosols are residual ferruginous soils
formed primarily by chemical weathering of the
parent rock. This results in the release of iron and
aluminium sesquioxides, increasing loss of silica and
increasing dominance of new clay minerals such as
smectites, allophane, halloysite and, with increasing
weathering, kaolinite. The microstructure also is de-
veloped by chemical weathering processes and con-
sists of an open-bonded fabric of silt and sand size
peds, which are formed mainly of clay minerals and
fine disseminated iron oxides. Relatively weak bonds
exist between the peds and are formed of iron oxides
and/or amorphous aluminium silicate gels. Such soils
differ from laterite in that they behave as clay and do
not possess strong concretions. They do, however,
grade into laterite.
Allophane-rich soils or andosols are developed
from basic volcanic ashes in high temperature-rainfall
regions. Allophane is an amorphous clay mineral.
These soils have very high moisture contents, usually
in the range 60% to 80% but values of up to 250%
have been recorded; and corresponding high plasti-
city. The soils also are characterized by very low dry
densities and high void ratios (sometimes as high as
6). Moisture content does affect the strength of ando-
sols significantly as the degree of saturation can have
an appreciable affect on cementation. Soils contain-
ing halloysite, or its partially dehydrated form meta-
halloysite, have high moisture contents (30% to
65%) and can possess high plasticity. Some of these
soils are susceptible to collapse.
Soils of Hot Arid Regions
Most soils in arid regions consist of the products of
physical weathering of rock material. This breakdown
process gives rise to a variety of rock and mineral
fragments that may be transported and deposited
under the influence of gravity, wind, or water. Many
arid soils are of aeolian origin and sands frequently are
uniformly sorted. Uncemented silty soil may possess a
metastable fabric and hence be potentially collapsible.
The precipitation of salts in the upper horizons of
an arid soil, due to evaporation of moisture from
the surface, commonly means that some amount of
cementation has occurred, which generally has been
concentrated in layers, and that the pore water is
likely to be saline. High rates of evaporation in hot
arid areas may lead to ground heave due to the
precipitation of minerals within the capillary fringe.
Where the watertable is at a shallow depth the soils
may possess a salty crust and be chemically aggressive
due to the precipitation of salts from saline ground-
water. Occasional wetting and subsequent evap-
oration frequently are responsible for a patchy
development of weak, mainly carbonate, and occa-
sionally gypsum cement, often with clay material de-
posited between and around the coarser particles.
These soils, therefore, may undergo collapse, espe-
cially where localized changes in the soil–water
regime are brought about by construction activity.
Collapse is attributed to a loss of strength in the bind-
ing agent and the amount of collapse undergone
depends upon the initial void ratio. Loosely packed
aeolian sandy soils, with a density of less than 1.6 Mg
, commonly exhibit a tendency to collapse.
Silts may have been affected by periodic desiccation
and be interbedded with evaporite deposits. The latter
process leads to the development of a stiffened crust
or, where this has occurred successively, to a series of
hardened layers within the formation. Loosely packed
aeolian silty soils formed under arid conditions often
undergo considerable volume reduction or collapse
when wetted. Such metastability arises from the loss
in strength of interparticle bonds resulting from in-
creases in water content. Thus, infiltration of surface
water, including that applied during irrigation, leak-
age from pipes, and rise of water table, may cause
large settlements to occur.
Low-lying coastal zones and inland plains in arid
regions with shallow water tables, are areas in which
sabkha conditions commonly develop. Sabkhas are
extensive saline flats that are underlain by sand, silt,
or clay and often are encrusted with salt. Ground-
water is saline, containing calcium, sodium, chloride,
and sulphate ions. Evaporative pumping, whereby
brine moves upward from the water table under ca-
pillary action, appears to be the most effective mech-
anism for the concentration of salt in groundwater
and the precipitation of minerals in sabkha. Salts are
precipitated at the ground surface when the capillary
fringe extends from the water table to the surface.
One of the main problems with sabkha is the de-
crease in density and strength, and increased permea-
bility that occur, particularly in the uppermost layers,
after rainfall, flash floods, or marine inundation, due to
the dissolution of soluble salts that act as cementing
materials. Changes in the hydration state of minerals,
such as calcium sulphate, also cause significant volume
change in soils. There is a possibility of differential
settlement occurring on loading due to the different
compressibility characteristics resulting from differen-
tial cementation of sediments. Excessive settlement
also can occur, due to the removal of soluble salts by
flowing groundwater. This can cause severe disruption
to structures within months or a few years. Movement
of groundwater also can lead to the dissolution of
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY/Problematic Soils 561