particles, which can therefore interlock, may enable
very steep slopes to be excavated that can stand up, at
least in the short term. The strength and behaviour of
tuffs depend on their degree of induration. However,
the durability of some basaltic tuffs is poor or very
poor, and they may be susceptible to frost. An ignim-
brite is a pyroclastic rock consisting predominantly of
pumiceous material that shows evidence of having
been formed from a hot and concentrated pyroclastic
flow. Once deposited, induration may be brought
about by welding of viscous glassy fragments, by
devitrification of glassy material, by deposition of
material from escaping gases, and by compaction.
Accordingly, ignimbrites have a wide variety of geo-
technical characteristics, which are attributable to
their modes of eruption, transportation, and depos-
ition. At one extreme they are weak materials that
behave as soils in the engineering sense; at the other
extreme they are strong hard rocks in which extensive
sets of essentially vertical cooling joints are de-
veloped. In fact, non-durable, intermediate, and
highly durable ignimbrites have been recognized.
The non-durable ignimbrites are characterized by
low densities, high porosities, and low unconfined
compressive strengths (5 MPa or less). A hyaloclastite
consists of a mixture of rock and glass fragments.
Initially, hyaloclastites are loose deposits, but as a
result of weathering and diagenesis they usually
become harder, particularly due to palagonitization,
which is a solution–precipitation mechanism whereby
the glass is hydrated and ions are leached out of it.
The process slows down as the precipitation of authi-
genic minerals reduces the porosity and permeability
of the rock mass. An increase in strength due to
palagonitization can occur quickly; for example,
loose pyroclastic material can be transformed into
quite hard compact rocks within 20 years. Weaker
varieties are probably more frequent than stronger
types, often being hidden below the palagonized
hyaloclastites that form the uppermost altered beds.
Slates, phyllites, and schists are characterized by
textures that have a marked preferred orientation.
Anisotropic structures such as cleavage and schistos-
ity, attributable to such textures, not only adversely
affect the strengths of metamorphic rocks but also
make them much more susceptible to decay. Gener-
ally speaking, slates, phyllites, and schists weather
relatively slowly, but the areas of regional meta-
morphism in which they occur have been subject to
extensive folding so that, in places, such rocks may be
extensively fractured and highly deformed. The qual-
ity of schists, slates, and phyllites is generally suspect.
Care must be taken to detect weaker components; for
instance, talc, chlorite, and sericite schists are weak
rocks containing planes of schistosity only 1 mm or so
apart. Some schists become slippery upon weathering
and can therefore fail under a moderately light load.
Sandstones (see Sedimentary Rocks: Sandstones, Dia-
genesis and Porosity Evolution) exhibit a wide range
of strengths (from less than 5.0 MPa to over
150 MPa), depending on their porosity, the amount
and type of cement and/or matrix material, and the
composition and texture of the individual grains.
Higher cement or matrix content and lower porosity
are characteristic of the stronger sandstones. In add-
ition, their strength, like that of other rocks, is re-
duced by moisture content. The strength of saturated
sandstone may be half of what it is when dry. For
instance, the Kidderminster Sandstone (Triassic) has
an average dry unconfined compressive strength of
around 2.5 MPa, but when saturated this may be
reduced to as low as 0.5 MPa. Nevertheless, sand-
stones generally do not give rise to notable engineer-
ing problems. Indeed, sandstones usually have
sufficiently high coefficients of internal friction to
give them high shearing strength when restrained
under load. As a foundation rock, even poorly
cemented sandstone is not normally susceptible to
plastic deformation. Moreover, with the exceptions
of shaly sandstone and rocks where the cement is
readily soluble, clastic rocks are not subject to rapid
deterioration on exposure. Nonetheless, salt action
can give rise to honeycomb weathering in sandstone,
which can cause relatively rapid disfigurement and
deterioration when sandstone is used as a building
stone. The process involves the progressive develop-
ment of closely spaced cavities in the rock. Individual
cavities range from a few millimetres to several cen-
timetres in diameter, although larger cavernous
weathering features, termed tafoni, can develop in
sandstone exposures.
The presence of discontinuities can obviously ad-
versely affect the behaviour of sandstone, reducing
its mass strength. When inclined, discontinuities
may cause rock to slide into unprotected excavations.
Laminations impart a notable anisotropy to sand-
stone, reducing its strength to a significant degree
along the planes of lamination. Furthermore, in cer-
tain engineering situations additional problems can
develop. Friable sandstones, for example, can intro-
duce problems of scour within dam foundations.
Sandstones are also highly vulnerable to scouring
and plucking actions in the overflow from dams and
consequently have to be adequately protected by suit-
able hydraulic structures such as stilling basins.
Quartzose sandstone in a tunnel being excavated by
a tunnel-boring machine can prove highly abrasive to
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY/Problematic Rocks 547