The remainder can be reasonably counteracted by
engineering procedures at a cost. The list is:
mass movements (landslides, avalanches, debris
flows, ice-related movements) (e.g., Ventnor, Swiss
Alps, Cotopaxi, Cordillera Blanca);
subsidence (swallow holes, karstic processes,
gypsum-related sink holes, sinking cities) (e.g., Pen-
nines, Wuzhan, Ripon, Venice);
flooding after abnormal rainfall and cyclones (Ban-
coastal erosion (sea-level rise) and coastal progra-
dation (China, Burma);
riverbank failure and silting up of rivers (Missis-
sippi River);
expansive and collapsing soils, thixotropic sands
(e.g., Anchorage in Alaska);
permafrost (e.g., Canada, Siberia);
hazardous gas emission (radon) (e.g. Cornwall).
A third category was listed of those that fall be-
tween the two:
combustion and wildfire (e.g., Australia);
neotectonic deformation and fissuring (e.g., Xian);
desertification (e.g., Sahel).
K Hewitt and I Burton, in 1975, published a list of
parameters for ‘selecting’ hazard events:
property damage extending to more than 20 fam-
ilies, or economic loss (including loss of income, a
halt to production, costs of emergency action) in
excess of US$50 000;
major disruption of social services, including com-
munications failure and closure of essential facil-
ities of establishments of economic importance;
a sudden, unexpected or unscheduled event, or
series of events, which puts excessive strain on es-
sential services (police, fire service, hospitals, public
utilities) and/or requires the calling in of men,
equipment, or funds from other jurisdictions;
an event in which 10 or more persons are killed or
50 or more injured.
Such quantification of thresholds is applicable to
rapid-onset, intensive hazards, but of little use for the
slow-onset, pervasive hazards, such as karstic pro-
cesses or coastal erosion. Also, it appears to be ap-
plicable to developed countries, but of little relevance
to less developed countries, such as islands in the
Pacific Ocean. Monetary loss and body count alone
are thus poor indicators of the magnitude of an effect
of a hazard on an afflicted community. Vulnerability
should take into account not merely the risk, but
also the endemic conditions inherent in the society.
Deaths due to starvation consequent on hazards are
not considered in this scheme.
SA Thompson, in 1982, produced a table com-
bining frequency with deaths per event (Table 1).
This table shows that earthquakes and cyclones
are the most lethal per event on a global scale and
both are of high frequency; however, flooding,
because of its very high frequency, is nearly as
lethal. The low frequency and number of deaths
per event for landslides can be misleading – for
example, in Basilicata, Italy, virtually all of the
dense cluster of hilltowns are threatened by land-
slides, and it is unquestionably a major hazard,
even if not a great killer. Likewise, in Nepal and the
Pamirs (Figure 2), the steep topography means that
landslides repeatedly wipe out villages and com-
munications and present a major and intractable
hazard problem.
SA Thompson also produced a table of fatalities
covering Asia and Australasia between 1947 and
1981, showing how regional statistics can reveal
extraordinary contrasts (Table 2). Asia had 85.8%
of the global count of 1 208 044 global deaths
from the hazards listed in Table 2 during this
period. However, this figure is a combination of
both geological and meteorological disasters, and,
for the geological disasters, the figure is slightly
below the global average. Australasia accounted
for only 0.4% of the global deaths. The death counts
and magnitude of the event cannot be correlated,
because of factors such as variations in populat-
ions at risk, ground conditions, and building con-
struction quality and type. In the case of volcanic
eruptions, there is a wide variation in the expected
magnitude and type of eruption according to the
classification of the volcano and its petrological
Volcanoes and earthquakes are covered by separate
entries in this encyclopedia (see Tectonics: Earth-
quakes, Volcanoes).
Table 1 Frequency of hazards and deaths per event. From
Thompson SA (1982)
per event
Geological hazards
Landslides 29 2.7 190
Tsunamis 10 1.0 856
Volcanoes 18 1.7 525
Earthquakes 161 15.2 2652
Meteorological hazards
Cyclones 211 19.9 2373
Tornadoes 127 12.0 66
Floods 343 32.3 571
Heatwaves 22 2.1 315
Thunderstorms and gales 36 3.4 587
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY/Natural and Anthropogenic Geohazards 517