location of subsurface hazards or anomalous ground
conditions that may affect the construction or long-
term integrity of the structure. Methods commonly
employed include seismic refraction and electrical
resistivity imaging for profiling bedrock depth, to-
gether with resistivity soundings and electromagnetic
profiling for overburden characterization. The linear
nature of pipelines means that they often traverse a
diverse range of terrains, and, consequently, the type
of hazard that may be encountered will be varied and
not always obvious. Figure 13 illustrates data from a
detailed microgravity survey undertaken along the
proposed route of a pipeline in the UK with the ob-
jective of locating buried mineshafts. Forward and
inverse modelling of the data allowed the likely size
and depth of the shaft to be determined.
Figure 8 Example of a cost–benefit analysis to determine the
highest-value spend (i.e. most information derived) for a fixed
site-investigation budget; in this brownfield case 35% of the
budget was allocated for site-wide geophysical screening, to
target trial pits and boreholes that might otherwise miss important
Table 3 Examples of the application of geophysical methods in engineering investigations
Application Example Typical methods
Transport infrastructure
Route evaluation Determination of thickness
of overburden
Seismic refraction, 2D resistivity imaging depending on nature of
expected lithologies and water table
Location of buried channel Seismic refraction or 2D resistivity imaging for large-scale structures
Identification of karstic
structures (swallow
holes, cavities)
Continuous-wave electromagnetic profiling (reconnaissance),
microgravity and seismic refraction for detailed modelling
Measurement of thickness
of pavement or track
layers and mapping
location of construction or
condition changes
High-speed GPR (200–1200 MHz)
Structural assessment Mapping location, depth,
and condition of
reinforcing within
High-frequency (900–1500 MHz) GPR, continuous-wave
electromagnetic profiling
Identification of voiding,
moisture retention behind
tunnel wall lining
High-frequency (900–1200 MHz) GPR, infrared thermography
Foundation design
Stratigraphic Determination of depth to
pile-bearing layer
Seismic refraction/reflection, cross-hole seismics, seismic
tomography, surface-wave seismics, wireline geophysics
Mapping boundaries of
Seismic refraction, seismic reflection, cross-hole seismics, seismic
tomography, surface-wave seismics, wireline geophysics
Measuring the stiffness of
Seismic refraction, seismic reflection, P- and S-wave cross-hole,
up-hole, and down-hole seismics, cross-hole seismic tomography,
surface-wave seismics, wireline geophysics
Rock rippability Seismic refraction
Groundwater table Seismic refraction, 2D resistivity imaging, time-domain electro-
magnetic sounding, 1D resistivity soundings, wireline logging
Structural Mapping fault zones Very-low-frequency continuous-wave electromagnetic profiling,
seismic reflection
Pipeline route evaluation
Route evaluation –
Determination of thickness
of overburden
Seismic refraction, seismic reflection (P- and S-wave), 2D resistivity
imaging, microgravity, continuous-wave electromagnetic, time-
domain electromagnetic sounding
Rock rippability Seismic refraction
Corrosivity of soils Resistivity, continuous-wave electromagnetic, redox potential