The geographical distribution of Early Archaean
stromatolites today reflects the occurrence of pre-
served Early Archaean sedimentary rocks, which are
restricted to narrow zones of sedimentary rocks,
known as greenstone belts, of the Barberton (South
Africa) and East Pilbara (Western Australia) regions.
The oldest reputed stromatolites, from the 3.48 Ga
Dresser Formation (Warrawoona Group, Pilbara),
are domical laminated structures made of chert,
barite, and iron oxide-rich laminae with minor car-
bonate (Figure 9; Dresser Formation stromatolites).
The biological origin of these structures has been
contested, with claims made that they could be arte-
facts of structural deformation (folding) and other
post-burial processes. Moreover, the fact that these
stromatolites occur in isolated clusters within struc-
turally deformed rocks makes it difficult to acquire
supporting contextual information.
Also in the Warrawoona Group lies the 3.46 Ga
Strelley Pool Chert, a formation that contains abun-
dant, well-preserved stromatolites (Figure 10; Strelley
Pool Chert stromatolites). The stromatolites in the
Strelley Pool Chert display a range of conical mor-
phologies that grade into small ripple structures, sug-
gesting that the stromatolites formed in a shallow
environment intermittently washed by gentle waves.
However, several abiological hypotheses have been
proposed for the formation of these stromatolites,
including non-biological chemical precipitation and/
or wave/current deposition. Nonetheless, the Strelley
Pool Chert stromatolites offer good prospects in the
search for early evidence of life. Even better prospects
are offered by the younger, but more complex, stro-
matolites in the 2.7 Ga Fortescue Group. These
examples may provide a useful benchmark for the
study of other Archaean stromatolites (Figure 11;
Fortescue stromatolites).
Fossilization processes Microbial fossilization
occurs only under special circumstances, typically
where mineral precipitation entombs the microbes
as or soon after they die. This may occur in highly
precipitative environments, such as hot springs, in
which fluids laden with dissolved chemicals emanate
at the Earth’s surface. The mineral deposits associ-
ated with these environments are called sinters (silica
precipitates) or travertine (carbonate precipitates).
Modern examples occur at Yellowstone Park (USA),
Taupo Volcanic Zone (New Zealand), and Lake
Bogoria (Kenya). However, even in these environ-
ments, microbial fossilization is never complete and
perfect. In multispecies systems, some species may be
more readily fossilized, whereas others are destroyed.
Furthermore, studies of modern sinters have shown
that all cellular level information of colonies is lost on
geologically short time-scales as opaline silica recrys-
tallizes to a more stable quartz phase. In many sedi-
mentary environments, microbial remains degrade
or are completely obliterated almost immediately
(in geological terms) through physical and chemical
processes, including oxidation and thermal degrad-
ation (in which organic material breaks down to
kerogen as sediments are heated through burial, igne-
ous intrusion, or circulation of hydrothermal waters).
Under most circumstances, the remains of microbes
will not survive intact.
Interpreting microfossil-like structures Some re-
searchers have suggested that, for the important
question of the oldest evidence of life, the ‘null hy-
pothesis’ should be adopted, which stipulates that a
fossil cannot be authenticated until all abiological
explanations (e.g., abiotic sedimentation, post-burial
alteration, sample contamination) can be refuted. The
Table 3 Comparison of four generalized mechanisms for the formation of stromatolite lamination
Cause of accretion cycles Microbial response Example
Daily solar cycle.
Independent of
Phototactic (light-responsive). Filamentous cells lie flat at night,
but stand upright during the day in order to reach sunlight
Phormidium hendersonii, Conophyton
(Yellowstone National Park)
Episodic sediment influx.
Independent of light
Normally flat-lying filamentous organisms; glide vertically after
new sediment influx in order to escape burial. Lamination is
dependent on sediment supply
Schizothrix (subtidal stromatolites,
Seasonal changes in water
Low rainfall and warmer temperatures during the summer
cause a change in organism dominance and behaviour
Lacustrine stromatolites,
south-western Australia
Extended pauses in
Profound changes in species composition in the mat. Laminae
construction styles vary due to different behaviours of the
new community
Multispecies mats at Great
Sippewissett Salt Marsh,
Based on data from Seong-Joo
et al. (2000) On Stromatolite Lamination. In: Riding R and Awramik S (eds.) Microbial Sediments, pp. 16–24.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag.