superposed order and that individual strata contained
the same types of fossils. This insight provided Smith,
who was engaged in surveying the routes of canals,
with a practical tool whereby he could predict what
rock types would be encountered during a canal’scon-
struction. Smith’s observations of fossils were particu-
larly important to his method because strata that
superficially appeared similar (e.g., limestones, sand-
stones, shales), but that contained different sets of
fossils, could be distinguished from one another and
assigned to their correct positions within the overall
sequence (see Sequence Stratigraphy). Using this ap-
proach, Smith was, by 1799, able to reconstruct
the basic sequence of strata from the British Coal Meas-
ures (Carboniferous (see Palaeozoic: Carboniferous))
to the Chalk (Cretaceous (see Mesozoic: Cretaceous)).
Extension of this method to other regions resulted in
Smith producing the first geological map in 1815, the
fossil evidence for which was publishing in his 1817
book Stratigraphical System of Organized Fossils.
Smith’s work contained two further insights that
proved crucial to development of the biozone con-
cept. The first of these was that even a single stratum
could be subdivided on the basis of its fossil content.
This observation established variations in lithological
type and fossil content as independent of one another,
with fossil content often providing the more refined
basis for subdivision. The second was that fossils
from the same lithological types in different parts of
the sequence often resembled one another. This ob-
servation established that there was a relation be-
tween the general types of fossils that occurred in
different depositional environments.
In 1808 Smith showed his collection of fossils ar-
ranged stratigraphically to members of the Geological
Society of London. By the 1820s Smith’s methods had
been accepted by most geologists and extensions had
begun to appear, most notably by the work of
Georges Cuvier and Alexander Brongniart (in 1822)
in establishing the stratigraphical sequence of the
Paris Basin. Later, Gerard Deshayes (in 1830),
Heinrich Georg Bronn (in 1831), and especially
Charles Lyell (in 1833) extended Smith’s concepts
by formulating subdivisions of Tertiary strata based
on the sequence of fossils alone. This represented an
important step toward the conceptualisation of the
biozone in that it demonstrated the independence of
palaeontological and lithological observations. Since
changes in fossil morphologies were arranged in a
recognisable and predictable sequence over both
time and space, careful comparison of fossils with
established sequences allowed stratigraphers to infer
relative time correctly. Sequences of lithological
changes failed to exhibit a similarly predictable
pattern of variation over time.
The term ‘zone’ had been used informally by a
number of geologists in the early and mid-1800s to
denote a vertical interval of strata or assemblage of
co-occurring fossil species. For example, Alcide
d’Orbigny (1842–1851) used the term ‘stage’ and
‘zone’ interchangeably as subdivisions of Jurassic
strata based on their ammonite content (see Mesozoic:
Jurassic). The modern concept of the biostratigraphic
zone, however, can be traced to the writings of Albert
Oppel (e.g., Die Juraforation Englands, Frankreichs
und des su
dwestlichen Deutchlands, 1856–1858) who
used the term to denote ‘the constant and exclusive
occurrence of certain species [that] mark themselves
off from their neighbours as distinct horizons’ (trans-
lated in Arkell, The Jurassic System of Great Britain).
Critical to Oppel’s biozone concept was its abstract
nature. Oppel-type zones existed independently of
variations in the local lithological or palaeontological
The success of Oppel’s formulation for establishing
long-range correlations within Europe and even be-
tween Europe and North America was beyond ques-
tion by the late nineteenth century. Controversy
remained though, regarding just what Oppel-type
zones represented. In particular, Thomas Henry
Huxley pointed out that, whereas Oppel’s biozones
could be construed to document the identity of, or
homotaxic, arrangement in remote stratigraphical suc-
cessions, the extent to which such zones represented
equivalent intervals of time within such successions
was unclear. In terms of practicality, such distinctions
rarely mattered. Biostratigraphical analysis using
Oppel-type zones had been established as an accurate
method for reconstructing the local, regional, and
(at least in principal) global sequence of strata, all of
which were understood to represent some measure of
geological time. Nevertheless, interest in the relation
between biozones and measures of absolute time
remained unabated, especially insofar as estimates
of absolute time were critical to support for the con-
cept of uniformitarianism that was held to underpin
so much of late nineteenth-century geological theory.
The tools for radiometric – later radioisotopic –
dating (see Analytical Methods: Geochronological
Techniques), this volume) that were developed in the
early 1900s offered an empirical way to resolve this
controversy. Development of these methods was later
augmented with other physio-chemical techniques,
including magnetostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy,
isotopic stratigraphy, and most recently, orbital stra-
tigraphy. It should be noted though, that all of these
latter, supplementary methods are, to a greater or
lesser extent, dependent on accurate biostratigra-
phical analysis before their unique properties can be
exploited with confidence. What has been made