of fossils that actually lived together and (ideally)
interacted with one another to the extent that the
grouping itself achieved a degree of stability – and
therefore recognizability – as a result of these
Because properly defined assemblage zones reflect
ecological relations, this type of zone tends to be
restricted to particular facies. The ability of such
zones to track spatial shifts in environments through
time provides them with a distinctive utility in terms
of palaeoenvironmental analyses. However, this util-
ity comes at a price, and that price is a relatively
reduced ability to achieve long-distance chronostrati-
graphical correlations. For this reason, assemblage
zones of benthic organisms tend to be most useful
on local and regional scales. Assemblage zones of
planktonic organisms do perform well in terms of
chronological correlations, but the degree to which
such organismal groupings are maintained by close
inter-specific interactions is debatable.
Like Oppel zones, the specific criteria used to rec-
ognize assemblage zone boundaries are flexible. Not
all of the groups present in the zone’s ‘type area’ need
be present to recognise the zone in remote locations.
Unlike Oppel zones though, there is an objective and
independent rationale underlying this definitional
latitude. In the case of assemblage zones, one seeks
to recognise a set of dependent ecological relations
among species and between organisms and their
environment that transcend mere faunal and/or floral
lists. The objective reality of such patterns in nature is
well established by numerous studies of modern
faunas and floras and is reasonably well understood
from a theoretical point of view. Oppel zones, on the
other hand, are unified only in the vague sense that
the species used to recognize the zone are thought to
be useful in chronostratigraphical analysis. Although
there is certainly ample justification for suspecting
that, in many cases, the biostratigraphic ranges
of the species in different regions and habitats will
coincide, there is much less justification for regard-
ing these organisms as part of transcendent causal
association than is the case with assemblage zones.
As a result of the flexible manner in which assem-
blage zones are defined, the same groups can be used
to define different assemblage zones (e.g., a coral–
bryozoan assemblage zone and a coral–foraminiferal
assemblage zone can have zone-defining taxa in
common) and different members of the same eco-
logical association can be used to define different
assemblage zones. Assemblage zones have been used
frequently in areas where suitably short-ranging taxa
are not present or have not been studied.
By convention, the name of an assemblage zone
should be based on two or more taxa that figure
prominently in the zone’s definition (e.g., Eponides–
Planorbulinella Assemblage Zone, Eodicynodon
Assemblage Zone).
Interval Zone
An interval zone (also referred to as an interbiohor-
izon zone, gap zone, or a partial-range zone) is de-
fined as a body of strata delineated by the region
between two distinctive biostratigraphic horizons,
but that has no distinctive biostratigraphic identity
of its own (Figure 8). The boundaries of interval
zones can be marked by a wide variety of criteria.
These zones typically represent the undefined regions
between other types of zones; especially taxon range
An interval zone’s existence assumes a complemen-
tary relation with the underlying and overlying bios-
tratigraphically defined horizons that serve as their
inferior and superior boundaries. As with all other
types of biozones, the traditional one-dimensional
concept of biozone geometry (Figure 8A) can mask
the more complex geometries evident in two and
three-dimensional conceptualizations (Figure 8B). In
particular, interval zones are confined geographically
to only those regions in which the defining biozones
overlap. So long as one’s region of interest is confined
to the geographical area encompassed jointly by the
zone’s defining taxa, recognition of the zone can be
made with confidence. Outside this geographic envel-
ope, though, recognition of an interval zone becomes
problematic, if not impossible.
By convention, interval zones are either named for
the taxa used to define their boundaries (e.g., Globi-
gerinoides sicanus–Orbulina suturalis Interval Zone)
or for a taxon that occurs in the interval, but is not
itself used in the zone definition (e.g., Globigerina
ciperoensis Zone).
Acme Zone
An acme zone (also referred to as a peak zone, flood
zone, or epibole) is defined as a body of strata delin-
eated by the region of ‘maximal development’ of a
taxon (e.g., species, genus, family), but not its total
range (Figure 9). In this context, the term ‘maximal
development’ is meant to be used flexibly. In some
cases it might refer to an initial increase and subse-
quent decrease in the relative abundance of a taxon
that takes place within the confines of its biostrati-
graphic-geographic range. In others, it might refer to
an increase/decrease in body size, an increase or de-
crease in diversity, etc. Since these aspects of a taxon’s
evolutionary/ecological history tend to be strongly
associated with local and regional conditions, it is
on these spatial scales that acme zones have their