2.4 Recording the Energy-Loss Spectrum 81 Photomultiplier Tubes
A photomultiplier tube contains a photocathode (which emits electrons in response
to incident photons), several “dynode” electrodes (that accelerate the photoelec-
trons and increase their number by a process of secondary emission), and an anode
that collects the amplified electron current so that it can be fed into a preamplifier;
see Fig. 2.23. To produce photoelectrons from visible photons, the photocathode
must have a low work function and cesium antimonide is a popular choice, although
single-crystal semiconductors such as gallium arsenide have also been used.
The spectral response of a PMT depends on the material of the photocathode,
its treatment during manufacture, and on the type of glass used in constructing the
tube. Both sensitivity and spectral response can change with time as gas is liberated
from internal surfaces and becomes adsorbed on the cathode. Photocathodes whose
spectral response extends to longer wavelengths tend to have more “dark emission,”
leading to a higher dark current at the anode and increased output noise. The dark
current decreases by typically a factor of 10 when the PMT is cooled from room
temperature to –30
C, but is increased if the cathode is exposed to room light (even
with no voltages applied to the dynodes) or to strong light from a scintillator and
can take several hours to return to its original value.
The dynodes consist of a staggered sequence of electrodes with a secondary elec-
tron yield of about 4, giving an overall gain of 10
or more if there are 10 electrodes.
Gallium phosphide has been used for the first dynode, giving the higher secondary
electron yield, improved signal/noise ratio, and easier discrimination against noise
pulses in the electron counting mode (Engel et al., 1981).
The PMT anode is usually operated at ground potential, the photocathode being
at a negative voltage (typically −700 to −1500 V) and the dynode potentials sup-
plied by a chain of low-noise resistors (Fig. 2.23). For analog operation, where the
anode signal is treated as a continuous current, the PMT acts as an almost ideal cur-
rent generator, the negative voltage developed at the anode being proportional to the
load resistor and (within the linear region of operation) to the light input. Linearity
is said to be within 3% provided the anode current does not exceed one-tenth of that
flowing through the dynode resistance chain (Land, 1971). The electron gain can be
controlled over a wide range by varying the voltage applied to the tube. Since the
gain depends sensitively on this potential, the voltage stability of the power supply
needs to be an order of magnitude better than the required s tability of the output
An electron whose energy is 10 keV or more produces some hundreds of photons
within a typical scintillator. Even allowing for light loss before reaching the photo-
cathode, the resulting negative pulse at the anode is well above the PMT noise level,
so energy-loss electrons can be individually counted. The maximum counting fre-
quency is determined by the decay time of the scintillator, the characteristics of the
PMT, and the output circuitry. To ensure that the dynode potentials (and secondary
electron gain) remain constant during the pulse interval, capacitors are placed across
the final dynode resistors (Fig. 2.23). To maximize the pulse amplitude and avoid
overlap of output pulses, the anode time constant R
must be less than the average