74 2 Energy-Loss Instrumentation
position of the zero-loss peak and setting the width of the detection slit, are
achieved by injecting a ramp signal into dipole coils located just before or after
the spectrometer. Even faster deflection is possible by using electrostatic deflec-
tion plates (Fiori et al., 1980; Craven et al., 2002) and this technique has enabled
near-simultaneous recording of low-loss and core-loss spectra on the same CCD
camera (Scott et al., 2008; Gubbens et al., 2010).
(c) Ramping the high voltage. The spectrum can also be shifted or s canned by
applying a signal to the feedback amplifier of the microscope’s high-voltage
generator, thereby changing the incident electron kinetic energy E
. The spec-
trometer and detection slit then act as an energy filter that transmits electrons
of a fixed kinetic energy, thereby minimizing the unwanted effects of chromatic
aberration in the post-specimen lenses (Section 2.3). The difference in energy of
the electrons passing through the condenser lenses results in a change in illumi-
nation focus, but this effect can be compensated by applying a suitable fraction
of the s canning signal to the condenser lens power supply (Wittry et al., 1969;
Krivanek et al., 1992).
(d) Drift-tube scanning. If the flight tube of a magnetic spectrometer is electri-
cally isolated from ground, applying a voltage to it changes the kinetic energy
of the electrons traveling through the magnet and shifts the energy-loss scale.
The applied potential also produces a weak electrostatic lens at the entrance
and exit of the drift tube, tending to defocus and possibly deflect the spec-
trum, but these effects appear to be negligible provided the internal diameter
of the drift tube and its immediate surroundings are not too small (Batson et al.,
1981). In the absence of an electrostatic lens effect, a given voltage applied to
the drift tube will displace the energy-loss spectrum by the same number of
electron volts, allowing the energy-loss axis to be accurately calibrated. Meyer
et al. (1995) have shown that when a known voltage (e.g., 1000 eV) i s applied
to the drift tube and the zero-loss peak is returned to its original position by
changing the magnet current I by an amount I, a measurement of I/I allows
the accelerating voltage to be determined to an accuracy of about 50 V; see
Fig. 2.21.
Particularly where long recording times are necessary, it is convenient to add sev-
eral readouts in computer memory, a technique sometimes called multiscanning or
signal averaging. The accumulated data can be regularly displayed, allowing broad
features to be discerned after only a few scans, so that the acquisition can be aborted
if necessary. Otherwise, the readouts are repeated until the signal/noise ratio (SNR)
of the data becomes acceptable. For a given total time T of acquisition, the SNR
is similar to that for a spectrum acquired in a single scan of duration T but the
effect of instrumental instability is different. Any drift in high voltage or prism
current in V
can be largely eliminated by shifting individual readouts so that a
particular spectral feature (e.g., the zero-loss peak) always occurs at the same spec-
tral channel (Batson et al., 1971; Egerton and Kenway, 1979; Kimoto and Matsui,