1.3 Historical Developments 11
d’Alembert (1717–1783). He derived the continuity equation in differential
form and introduced the use of complex numbers into the potential theory.
In addition, he derived the acceleration component of a fluid element in field
variables and expressed the hypothesis, named after him and proved before
by Euler, that a body circulating in an ideal fluid has no flow resistance. This
fact, known as d’Alembert’s paradox, led to long discussions concerning the
validity of the equations of fluid mechanics, as the results derived from them
did not agree with the results of experimental investigations.
The basic equations of fluid mechanics were dealt with further by Joseph
de Lagrange (1736–1813), Louis Marie Henri Navier (1785–1836) and Barre
de Saint Venant (1797–1886). As solutions of the equations were not success-
ful for practical problems, however, practical hydraulics developed parallel
to the development of the theory of the basic equations of fluid mechan-
ics. Antoine Chezy (1718–1798) formulated similarity parameters, in order
to transfer the results of flow investigations in one flow channel to a second
channel. Based on similarity laws, extensive experimental investigations were
carried out by Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746–1822), and also experimental
investigations were made on pressure loss measurements in flows by Gotthilf
Ludwig Hagen (1797–1884) and on hydrodynamic resistances by Jean-Louis
Poiseuille (1799–1869). This was followed by the work of Henri Philibert
Gaspard Darcy (1803–1858) on filtration, i.e. for the determination of pres-
sure losses in pore bodies. In the field of civil engineering, Julius Weissbach
(1806–1871) introduced the basis of hydraulics into engineers’ considerations
and determined, by systematic experiments, dimensionless flow coefficients
with which engineering installations could be designed. The work of William
Froude (1810–1879) on the development of towing tank techniques led to
model investigations on ships and Robert Manning (1816–1897) worked out
many equations for resistance laws of bodies in open water channels. Similar
developments were introduced by Ernst Mach (1838–1916) for compressible
aerodynamics. He is seen as the pioneer of supersonic aerodynamics, provid-
ing essential insights into the application of the knowledge on flows in which
changes of the density of a fluid are of importance.
In addition to practical hydromechanics, analytical fluid mechanics devel-
oped in the nineteenth century, in order to solve analytically manageable
problems. George Gabriel Stokes (1816–1903) made analytical contributions
to the fluid mechanics of viscous media, especially to wave mechanics and
to the viscous resistance of bodies, and formulated Stokes’ law for spheres
falling in fluids. John William Stratt, Lord Rayleigh (1842–1919) carried out
numerous investigations on dynamic similarity and hydrodynamic instability.
Derivations of the basis for wave motions, instabilities of bubbles and drops
and fluid jets, etc., followed, with clear indications as to how linear instabil-
ity considerations in fluid mechanics are to be carried out. Vincenz Strouhal
(1850–1922) worked out the basics of vibrations and oscillations in bodies
through separating vortices. Many other scientists, who showed that applied
mathematics can make important contributions to the analytical solution