supplemented their diets by hunting and food gathering.
Because the population was minimal and an ample sup-
ply of cultivable land was available, most settlements were
relatively small; each village formed a self-sufficient po-
litical and economic entity.
As early as the era of the N ew Kingdom in the second
B.C.E., Egyptian ships had plied the waters off
the East African coast in search of gold, ivory , palm oil, and
perhaps sla ves. By the first c entury
C.E., the region was an
established part of a trading network that included the
Mediterranean and the Red Sea. In that century, a Greek
seafarer from Alexandria wr ote an ac count of his trav els
down the coast from Cape Guardafui at the tip of the Horn
of Africa to the Strait of Madagascar thousands of miles to
the south. Called the Periplus, this work provides generally
accurate descriptions of the peoples and settlements along
the African c oast and the trade goods they supplied.
According to the Periplus, the port of Rhapta (pos-
sibly modern Dar es Salaam) was a commercial metrop-
olis, exporting ivory, rhinoceros horn, and tortoiseshell
and importing glass, wine, grain, and metal goods such as
weapons and tools. The identity of the peoples taking part
in this trade is not clear, but it seems likely that the area
was already inhabited by a mixture of local peoples and
immigrants from the Arabian peninsula. Out of this
mixture would eventually emerge an African-Arabian
Swahili culture (see ‘‘East Africa: The Land of Zanj’’ later
in this chapter) that continues to exist in coastal areas
Little is known about Antonius Malfante, the Italian
adventurer who in 1447 wrote this letter relating
his travels along the trade route used by the
Hausa city-states of northern Nigeria. In this pas-
sage, he astutely described the various peoples who inhabited
the Sahara: Arabs, Jews, Tuaregs, and African blacks, who lived
in uneasy proximity to one another as they struggled to coexist
in the stark conditions of the desert. The mutual hostility be-
tween settled and pastoral peoples in the area continues
Antonius Malfante, Letter to Genoa
Though I am a Christian, no one ever addressed an insulting word
to me. They said they had never seen a Christian before. It is true
that on my first arrival they were scornful of me, because they all
wished to see me, saying with wonder ‘‘This Christian has a counte-
nance like ours’’---for they believed that Christians had disguised
faces. Their curosity was soon satisfied, and now I can go alone
anywhere, wi th no one to say an evil word to me.
There are many Jews, who lead a good life here, for they are
under the protection of the several rulers, each of whom defends his
own clients. Thus they enjoy very secure social standing. Trade is in
their hands, and many of them are to be trusted with the greatest
This locality is a mart of the country of the Moors [Berbers] to
which merchants come to sell their goods: gold is carried hither,
and bought by those who come up from the coast. ...
It never rains here: if it did, the hou ses, being built of salt
in the place of reeds, would be destroyed. It is scarcely ever cold
here: in summer the heat is extreme, wherefore they are almost
all blacks. The children of both sexes go naked up to the age
of fifteen. These people observe the religion and law of
In the lands of th e blacks, as well as here, dwell the Philist ines
[the Tuareg], who liv e, like the Arabs, in tent s. They are wi thout num-
ber, and hold sway over the land of Gazola from the borders of Egypt
to the shores of th e Ocean, as far as Mass a and Safi, and over all the
neighboring towns of the blacks. They are fair, strong in body and
very handsome in appearance. They ride wi thout stirrup s, with simple
spurs. They are governed by kings, whose heirs are the sons of their
sisters---for such is their law. They keep their mouths and noses cov-
ered. I have seen many of them here, and have asked them through an
interpreter wh y they cover their mouths and noses thus. They replied:
‘‘We have inh erited this custom from our anc estors.’’ They are sw orn
enemies of the Jews, who do not dare to pass hither. Their faith is
that of the Blacks. Their su stenance is mi lk and flesh , no corn or bar-
ley, but much rice. Their sheep, cattle, and cam els are without number .
One breed of camel, white as sn o w, can cover in one day a distance
which would take a horseman four days to travel. Great warriors,
these people are continually at war amongst themselves.
The states which are under their rule border upon the land of
the blacks ...which have inhabitants of the faith of Muhammad. In
all, the great majority are blacks, but there are a small number of
whites [i.e., tawny Moors]. ...
To the south of these are innumerable great cities and territo-
ries, the inhabitants of which are all blacks and idolators, continually
at war with each other in defense of their law and faith of their
idols. Some worship the sun, others the moon, the seven planets,
fire, or water; others a mirror which reflects their faces, which they
take to be the images of gods; others groves of trees, the seats of a
spirit to whom they make sacrifice; others again, statues of wood
and stone, with which, they say, they commune by incantations.
What occupations does Malfante mention? To what
degree are the occupations associated with specific peoples
living in the area?