Iroquois Indians, 153
Irrawaddy River region, 225, 226
Irrigation: in Africa, 187; Anasazi, 153; by
Chimor people, 147–148; in China, 7, 242;
in Egypt, 12–13; in India, 34; Moche, 147; in
South America, 8
Isabella of Castile, 328, 341
Isfahan, 395, 397, 397
Isis (god), 14
Islam: in Africa, 191–198, 191 (map), 201, 336;
arts of, 316; Axum and, 192; Byzantine Empire
and, 314, 320; cities of, 296; civilization
of, 171–180; conversion to, 162, 169, 170;
culture of, 170, 174–180; in East Africa, 193;
expansion of, 163 (map); in Gao, 194; Ghana
and, 196; in India, 214–218, 216 (map), 217,
219–221; literature in, 176–178; in Malacca,
335–336; Mongol conversion to, 169; Ottoman
Empire and, 386–394; religious art in, 315; rise
of, 157– 162; rulers in, 353; Safavids and, 396;
Seljuk Turks and, 167; society of, 172–174;
spice trade and, 335–336, 339–340; trade and,
170, 172, 173, 173, 176; veiling in, 174, 175; in
West Africa, 336. See also Muslims
Islamic empire. See Arabs and Arab world; Islam
Islamic law, 161, 391, 399
Ismail (Safavids), 394
Israel, 21, 22
Israelites, 21, 21 (map)
Istanbul, 387, 388, 393. See also Constantinople
Isthmus of Panama, 146
Italy, 106; Byzantine Empire and, 320; cities
in, 297; Crusades and, 307; France and,
328, 337; Greek colonization of, 107; Holy
Roman Empire and, 299; Lombards in,
312; Ostrogoths in, 287; plague in, 322; in
Renaissance, 326–328; trade in, 294. See also
speci c wars
Ivan III (Russia), 329
Ivan IV (Russia), 378
Ivory trade, 185
Izanagi and Izanami (gods), 264
Jade: trade in, 60
Jahan (Mughals), 399–401, 402, 405, 405
Jahangir (Mughals), 399, 406
Jainism, 217, 222
Jakarta, 351
James I (England), 378
James II (England), 379
Janissaries, 386
Japan, 263–277, 263 (map), 333; arts of,
273–274, 275–276, 430; Buddhism in, 213,
267, 273; capitalism in, 425–426; China and,
238, 263, 264–265, 276–277; Christianity in,
423–424; civil service examination in, 276–
277; culture in, 273–276, 428–430; economy
in, 270, 425–426; education in, 428; family
in, 271, 428; farmers in, 426; feudalism in,
269; government in, 266–267; Great Peace in,
424–425; Heian period in, 267–268; industry
in, 426; isolation of, 276; Jesuit conversions
35–36; medieval, 210; Mughals in, 397–406;
music in, 225; political and social structures
in, 31; population in, 419; Portugal and, 217,
222, 334, 339, 401, 402; religion in, 30, 41–46,
219–221, 399; rock architecture in, 48, 49, 49,
223, 223–224; science and technology in, 50,
222; society in, 31, 35, 36–38, 219–222, 399;
Southeast Asia and, 225, 227–228, 229–230;
Srivijaya and, 227; Tamerlane and, 217;
trade of, 222; untouchables in, 38; Western
in uence in, 401–403; women in, 38–39, 40,
220–221, 403–404; writing in, 32, 47. See also
speci c dynasties
Indian Ocean region, 40, 190, 193; commerce of,
184, 209, 335
Indians (Native Americans), 152, 152–154, 152
(map); Columbus and, 342; in Latin America,
445, 446, 446; Spanish treatment of, 342–343,
344, 344, 445
Indies: Columbus and, 341
Indigenous peoples. See Indians (Native
Indochina. See Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam
Indo-European languages, 20, 24, 106
Indo-Europeans, 20, 30, 34–35, 55, 56, 81, 190
Indo-Muslim civilization, in India, 399
Indonesia, 225, 226–227; foods in, 229; trade
and, 18
Indra (god), 41
Indus River region, 7, 30, 209
Industrialization: China and, 418–419; in
Europe, 443; in Japan, 426
Industry: in Greece, 85; in Korea, 431
Infanticide, 246
Inheritance: primogeniture for, 428; by women,
200, 271, 355, 403, 404, 420
Inka Empire, 149–151, 149 (map), 341
Innocent III (Pope), 170, 303, 307, 320
Innocent IV (Pope): Kuyuk Khan letter to, 249
Inquisition, 303, 325
Institutes (Justinian), 312
Institutes of Akbar (Fazl), 400
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin), 365
Intellectual thought, 7; in Andalusia, 170; in
Byzantine Empire, 315; in China, 60–65,
255–256; in Enlightenment, 438–442; in
Greece, 80, 91–93; in Renaissance, 326–327;
Scienti c Revolution and, 343, 436–438; Silk
Road and, 209. See also Literature; Philosophy
Interdict, 303
Invasions. See speci c countries
Inventions: by Archimedes, 99–100
Investiture Controversy, 303
Ionia and Ionians, 87
Ionic order, 91
Iran: Safavids in, 394–397; Seljuk Turks in, 166.
See also Persia
Iranian plateau, 22
Iraq: Abbasids in, 164. See also Mesopotamia
Ireland, 290
Iron and iron industry, 7; in Africa, 187; in
Americas, 155; in Asia, 58; Assyrians and, 22;
in China, 73, 127, 255; in India, 34
Hungary, 300, 364, 378; Austria and, 392; Battle
of Mohács in, 385; Magyars in, 289; Ottoman
Turks and, 388–389
Hung Mai, 246
Huns, 68, 119
Hunting and gathering societies: in Americas,
135, 155; Paleolithic, 3–4; transition to
farming, 6
Hussein (Ali’s second son), 164
Husuni Kubwa (palace), 193
Hydaspes River, Battle of the, 96, 98
Hydraulic societies, 76
Hyksos people, Egypt and, 16
Hymn to Aten (Akhenaten), 17
Hymn to the Nile, 14
Hypatius (Byzantine Empire), 311
Iberian peninsula, 163, 328. See also Portugal;
Ibn al-Athir, 168
Ibn Battuta, 193, 199, 200
Ibn Fadlan, 302
Ibn Khaldun (historian), 178, 295, 322
Ibn Rushd. See Averroës
Ibn Sina. See Avicenna
Ice age: human migration and, 135
Iceland, 306
Icons, iconoclasts, and iconoclasm, 315, 316
Ideographs: in China, 74–75; in Crete, 33
Ideology: in China, 67, 240
Ife peoples, 202, 202
Île-de-France, 299
Iliad (Homer), 82, 83
Imams, 162, 394
Imperator, use of title, 113
Imperial city (Beijing), 421–422, 422
Imperialism, 343; Vietnamese, 431. See also
Colonies and colonization
Imports: mercantilism and, 373. See also Trade
Independence: of American colonies, 447; in
Latin America, 454
India, 7, 216 (map); agriculture in, 30, 34–35,
221–222, 400; Alexander the Great in, 35, 35
(map), 96; ancient period in, 29–30; Arabic
numerals from, 50; architecture in, 48–50,
405, 405–406, 406; Aryans in, 32–40; Ashoa
in, 46, 46 (map); British in, 401, 402–403, 446,
450; Buddhism in, 43–46, 208, 210–214; castes
in, 36–38, 211, 220, 220, 221, 404; children
in, 39; culture in, 47–50, 222–225, 404–406;
diversity in, 30; Dutch in, 345, 401; economy
in, 38, 39–40, 211, 221–222, 399, 402–404,
405; European trade with, 209–210, 294;
family in, 38–39, 220; farming in, 5, 39–40;
France and, 401–402, 450; government of,
35–36, 400–401; Greeks and, 35, 98; Hinduism
in, 30, 41–43, 217, 219–221, 399; Islam and,
163 (map), 214–218, 216 (map), 217, 219–221;
lifestyle in, 38–40, 221–222; literature
in, 47–48, 224–225, 406; marriage in, 39;
mathematics in, 50; a er Mauryan Empire,
47–50, 211–214, 236; Mauryan Empire in,