State (nation): growth of power, 362; in Japan,
264–270; in Latin America, 445; power of
church and, 303; in precolonial Southeast
Asia, 352–355; in Renaissance, 328–329;
Roman, 107–110; Spartan, 86–87
State Confucianism (China), 122–124, 239–240,
State cult: in Angkor, 229
Stateless societies: in Africa, 198; in Americas,
Steel: in China, 242
Stelae (carved pillars), 203, 204, 281
Stoicism, 101
Stone Age. See Neolithic Revolution; Paleolithic
Stonehenge, 20
Stone of the Sun (Aztec), 145
Storytelling: in Africa, 202–204
Straits: of Gibraltar, 162, 170, 192; of
Madagascar, 189; of Magellan, 146, 343
(map); of Malacca, 226, 335 (map); of Sunda,
Stupas, 41, 45, 46, 48, 48–49, 355
Subcontinent: Indian, 30
Sublime Porte (grand vezir), 393
Sub-Saharan Africa. See Africa; speci c
Succession: in Arab Empire, 164
Sudan, 19
Sudras (India), 37–38
Su rage: universal male, 452
Su sm, 177, 336, 391, 394
Suger (Abbot), 306
Sui dynasty (China), 237–238, 254
Sui Wendi (Sui We Ti). See Yang Ji an
Sui Yangdi (Sui dynasty, China), 237
Sulawesi, 336
Suleyman I the Magni cent (Ottoman Turks),
385, 388, 390, 393
Suleymaniye Mosque (Istanbul), 393
Sultan(s), 166, 386, 389, 391, 392–393
Sultanate Delhi, 216–217
Sumatra, 227, 229, 250, 335, 351
Sumer and Sumerians, 2, 8–9, 10 (map)
Sunda: Strait of, 227
Sunjata (Sundiata), 203
Sun Kings, in France and China, 376
Sunni Muslims, 164, 167; in Iraq, 166; in
Ottoman Empire, 391
Supe River valley (Peru), 7–8
Supreme Ultimate (Tai Ji), 255
Surat, India, 345
Susa, 25
Suzhou, China, 237, 273
Swahili culture, 189–190, 193, 193 (map), 351
Sweden, 373, 378
Swiss Republic, in Grand Empire, 457
Switzerland, 365–366
Syr Darya River region, 398
Syria, 314; Arab control of, 162; architecture
in, 178; Assyria and, 23; Byzantine Empire
and, 319; crusader states in, 294; Egypt and,
16, 18
Song Family Saga, A (Hung Mai), 246
Songhai, 196, 336, 337 (map), 350
Song of the South (China), 75
Song Taizu (Song dynasty, China), 239
Son-Jara (Sunjata, Sundiata), 203
Sonni Ali (Songhai), 336
Sophocles, 90
South Africa, 350; Boers and, 346
South America, 135, 341; Arawak people in,
153–154; civilizations of, 7–8, 146–151;
Europeans in, 341–343, 345; humans in, 146;
peoples and cultures of, 146 (map); trade in,
148; writing in, 13. See also Latin America;
speci c countries
South Asia. See speci c countries
Southeast Asia, 225–231; Catholicism in,
351–352; economy in, 228; family in, 229;
India and, 209, 215, 227–228; Islam in, 163
(map), 335–336; lifestyle in, 228–229, 355–
357; migrants to, 225; precolonial, 352–355;
religion in, 229–230; rice in, 5; in spice trade
era, 351–357; in 13th century, 226 (map);
trade in, 225–226, 227, 228, 355; women in,
228–229, 355–357. See also speci c countries
Southern Africa, 199; Dutch in, 346
Southern Asia: civilization in, 208–232, 213
Southern Song (China), 239
Southwest Asia, 11. See also Middle East
Soybeans, 71
Spain: Bourbon dynasty in, 377; Carthage
and, 110, 111; in 11th century, 170 (map);
exploration by, 341–342, 345 (map); in Grand
Empire, 457; Italy and, 328; Latin America
and, 445; monarchy in, 328; Muslims in, 163,
163 (map), 166, 169–170; in New World,
341–343, 342, 444; Ottoman Turks and, 388;
Southeast Asia and, 351; irty Years’ War
and, 373; trade by, 443; Visigoths in, 287
Spanish Empire, 342–343, 345. See also
Americas; Spain
Spanish Netherlands, 370
Sparta, 79–80, 85–87, 88, 89. See also Greece
Spartacus, revolt by, 117
Spheres of in uence: in Americas, 341
Spice Islands (Moluccas), 333, 339 (map), 344
Spices and spice trade, 190–191, 335; European
expansion and, 337, 351; in India, 222;
Islam and, 335–336; Portugal and, 339–341;
Southeast Asia and, 227, 355
Spirit of the Laws, e (Montesquieu), 439
Spirits: in Africa, 191; in India, 41; in Southeast
Asia, 229–230
Spiritualism: in China, 64–65
Spoken language, 33
“Spring Prospect” (Du Fu), 257
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 30, 46, 48, 212, 215
Srivijaya state, 226 (map), 227
Stained glass, 305–306
Stamp Act (1765), 447
Standing army: in Rome, 113. See also Military
Starry Messenger, e (Galileo), 437
Silk and silk industry: in China, 60, 127, 417; in
Constantinople, 315–317; in Ottoman Empire,
394, 394; Persian weaving and, 397
Silk Road, 60, 105, 115, 125, 125 (map), 126,
208, 209–210; Chinese trade and, 242–243;
ideas and, 209; Kushan kingdom and, 209
(map); plague and, 321
Silla kingdom (Korea), 277, 278
Silver, 343, 373, 444–445; trade and, 412, 443
Sima Qian (historian), 67, 69, 127; on burning of
books, 68; on emperor’s mausoleum, 74
Simplicius Simplicissimus (Grimmelshausen),
Sinai Peninsula, 114
Singapore, 335
Sinitic language, 75
Sipahis (Ottoman cavalry elite), 391
Sitar (instrument), 225
Slave Coast, 351
Slavery: in Africa, 200–201, 339, 349; in Athens,
87, 94; in China, 60; in Haiti, 454; Islamic,
172; in Japan, 271; in Korea, 279, 431; in
Ottoman Empire, 390, 391; in Rome, 115, 117,
118; sources of slaves, 348. See also Slave trade
Slave trade, 195, 200, 339, 346–350, 347 (map),
Slavic peoples, 299–301; migrations of, 301
Slovenia, 378
Smallpox, 342, 419
Smelting iron, 155, 187
Smith, Adam, 440
Social classes. See Classes
Social Contract, e (Rousseau), 440
Social sciences, 440
Society: in Africa, 199–201, 350–351; in
Americas, 135, 343–345, 444–447; of Athens,
94; Aztec, 143–144; Black Death and, 324; in
China, 127, 244–247, 256; economic power
and, 7; European, 291, 292–293, 371–372,
443; feudal, 291; in India, 31, 35, 36–38,
219–222, 399, 401, 403–404; Inkan, 149–150;
Islamic, 172–174; in Japan, 426–428; in Korea,
278–279, 431; Kushite, 185; in Latin America,
445; in Ottoman Empire, 391–392; Protestant
Reformation and, 367; Renaissance, 362–363;
Safavid, 396–397; in Southeast Asia, 228–229,
355–357; Sumerian, 8–9
Society of Jesus. See Jesuits
Socrates, 91
Socratic method, 91
Sofala, East Africa, 339, 346
Soil: in China, 60, 71; in Europe, 292
Sokkuram Buddha, 278
Soldiers: Roman masters of, 119. See also
Military; speci c wars
Solomon (Israel), 21, 21 (map)
Solomonids (Ethiopia), 193
Solon (Athens), 87
Somalia, 193
Song dynasty (China), 222, 237, 239, 241; land
problems and, 242; Mongols and, 248; society
and, 244–245