58 Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems
Then Equation (3.14) reduces to
µ(k) =
. (3.16 )
This step size is the most widely used for the NLMS algor ithm. A variant of the
NLMS alg orithm uses a small constant ε as follows.
µ(k) =
ε + X
. (3.17)
This con stant ensures that the step size does not tend to infinity in the case of a
zero input signal.
The NLMS algori thm guarantees an attenuation level of γ ≤ 1, where γ is the
induced-norm from noise or signal inputs to the filtering error. Therefore, a salient
feature of this algorit hm is that it lowers t he influence o f the input signal on the no ise
amplification effect, especially when t he input signal x(k) is large.
3.3.2 Modeling of a Stewart platform
Adaptive identification is a technique th at uses an adaptive filter to model an un-
known system. An adaptive identification method can be applied either online along
with the vibration control or offline pri or to the vibration control. In an onlin e identi-
fication system, the number of adaptive filters required for an adaptive control system
will be increased. Furthermore, convergence of the adaptive filter used in the identi-
fication section of the system can be affected by a large amount of primary vibration
signal [36]. Therefore an offline identification technique will be applied for the sys-
tem mod eling.
The block diagram of the adaptive identification is illustrated in Figure 3.4. P (z)
is the transfer function of the system to be identified. W (z) is a digital filter used
to model P (z) based on the LMS error minimization algorithm. Both systems P (z)
and W (z) are excited by a band limited white noise. The difference between the
two outputs d(k) and y(k) is fed back into the LMS algorithm as error signal e(k).
The LMS algorithm will adaptively adjust the coefficients of filter W (z) to minimize
e(k) based on the least MSE criterion. When the error signal reaches the minimum
level, the filter W (z) r epresents a model of P (z).
The LMS adaptive filter approach is applied for the modeling of the Stewart plat-
form. A Simulink program is developed for offline identification of the platform.
A 16th order LMS adaptive filter with adaptation step size of 0.01 is chosen. A
band-limited white noise is used as the training signal. Sampling frequency of the
white noise generator is set at 1 kHz so that the response of the PZT actuator will be
confined to the bandwidth of 500 Hz (half o f sampling frequency). But the sampling
frequency of the adaptive filter is set to 10 kHz to give enough time for adaptive filter
to compute the filter weights within each sample of the training signal .
The Simulink pr ogram for the identification is downloaded into a dSPACE real
time interface board DS1104. Identification process for each PZT actuator is per-
formed alternatively. Filter tap values are recorded throug h the dSPACE manager