68 Modeling and Control of Vibration in Mechanical Systems
(i = 1, ···, N ). N = 20. The repeatable runout (RRO) and the nonrepeatable
runout (NR RO) are given by
= P ES
− RRO. (4.7)
A. Positioning accuracy improvement at 7200 RPM
Tested d isk vibration results of the dual-disk and the singl e d isk are sh own in Fig-
ure 4.2. Besides the harmonics with respect to the spin dle speed, the disk vibrat ion
modes can be seen clearly as denoted b y T1-T9. It is found that the frequencies of the
disk vibration modes T1-T9 are shifted and their amplitudes are apparently reduced.
The vibration modes are all shi fted by 40 Hz to higher f requencies. The power spec-
tra of the RRO and NRRO, computed from the collected PES data, are shown in
Figur e 4.3 and Figure 4.4. As seen in Figure 4.3, except for the 1st harmonic, other
dominant harmonics before the 11th harmonic are all reduced. In Figure 4.4, we
can observe that almost all the reduced disk vibration modes T1-T9 in Figur e 4.2
are reflected i n NRRO. The other peaks indi cated by S1-S4 can be identified to be
caused by slider vibrations. They are both lowered significantly, which may be due
to better slider-disk interaction. It is not ed that the peak S2 for t he single d isk case is
shifted to S3 in the dual-disk case. This randomly happens and the writing process
at a d ifferent time may cause su ch a shifting. This phenomenon can be seen in other
testin g results which will be shown later. The standard deviations (or σ values) of
RRO, NRRO and PES are obtained. It turns out that the σ value of RRO is reduced
by 23%, NRRO by 18%, and the PES σ value is reduced by 21%. Figure 4.5 shows
the time sequences of PES i n both the cases and t he amplitude reduction is seen
B. Positioning accuracy improvement at 8400 RPM
The disk or the dual-disk stack is rotating at 8400 RPM, and the d isk vibrations
in the axial direction are shown in Figure 4.6. It can be seen that the amplitudes of
the vibration modes are all reduced with shifts in frequencies, as indicated by T1-T6.
The power spectra of the RRO and NRRO are calculated from the tested PES and
shown in Figu re 4.7 and Figure 4.8. Fig ure 4.7 shows that almost all the first seven
harmonics are decreased and as a result , the σ value of RRO is reduced by 41%.
In Figure 4.8, the correspond ing T1-T6 in Figure 4.6 can be f ound and they are all
suppressed in the case of the dual-disk stack. Notice that S1 is reduced significantly,
but can not be traced in the tested disk vi brations in Figure 4.6. This further verifies
that S1 is caused by the d isk-slider interaction. The corresponding S4 cannot be
found in this case, while T1 appears very close to S4. The resultant σ value of
NRRO is impr oved by 2 8%, and PES by 38%. Figur e 4.9 shows the comparison of
single-disk and dual-disk PES in time domain, and t he amplitude of PES in the case
of the dual-disk stack approach is much lower as compared to conventional single
disk approach.